[Fumikage Tokoyami x Pro Hero Reader] Night

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Quirk : Sound manipulation : Ability to manipulate sound and cause pain by one small chant to one's ear. Can also cause pain by shrieking a high pitched scream that some times no one can hear and can just feel the after effect.

You stood on the roof top in the night time breeze. Looking down at your watch to check the time since you had waited for a few minutes. You clicked the button on the side and a wide see through screen appeared in front of you revealing all the camera's you had built and placed around the city. You liked to keep watch at night and strike when least expected and most of the time during the night that's when trouble was around. You watched and squinted your eyes at one of the screen only realizing that it was just a guy and a girl walking over to her apartment building after what seemed like a date from what you could infer.

Your senses were to quick though since your heard footsteps erupting from behind you. You whipped out your blade that you had made just in case you had to fight close range and watched as his face was unfazed from your move. He didn't even hold up a defense, only just stood there with the blade close to his neck. Then a small shadow appeared from behind him and grew in size. Knocking the blade to the side so you couldn't harm him.

But just by staring at him you knew he wouldn't hurt you, you recognized his look and costume since he was partners with Hawks for a short time. Jet black Hero or Fumikage Tokoyami as his friends like to call him, his quirk was darkness which amazed you. But you couldn't let yourself get distracted.

"What do you want then? You're distracting me" You said as you looked back at your watch to make sure nothing happened, even though it would beep if there was.

"Why are you up here constantly....I see you almost every night when I am out" He asked as he walked closer towards you. You shut your watched off and shoved your sword  back in it's holder. Glancing over at him in confusion.

"Just watching....making sure no evil is out on the streets you know....Being a hero has it's perks even though I would love to be in bed" You chuckled slightly as you fixed your hair before jumping down off of your building, hearing him not to close behind. He was now following you which made you even more confused then you were but you just shook it off. It was nice having some company on your nightly stroll. Wishing he could have done this sooner since he did say he has seen you before.

"I've never seen you at UA when I went there, if your a pro hero where have you come from" He asked only getting interrupted since Dark Shadow flew over towards you and looked all around your body for any significance. You chuckled and patted the shadow's head softly and stopped a few buildings away and looked over the edge.

"Transfer....came here three years ago from US since a pro hero called me here for some service since he needed an extra hand" You replied in a monotone voice as you jumped down on to a lower area. Still having him follow you close behind. Then as you stopped your watch beeped fast, telling you an address for where the crime was taking place. 

You smiled at him before taking off as fast as you could down the roof tops. Having him yell at you as he followed in a confused voice. He never knew your name that was right you had forgotten to tell him but right now you needed to focus on the mission at hand. You seen the villain in your sights running away from the building he just robbed with his buddy. You jumped down on to the light pole and landed in front of them, bringing out your sword with a smirk.

"What are you going to do little lady" One of them asked but all you could do was smile as you chanted some words and sent a piercing sound to one of them. Your quirk allowed you to send ear piercing sounds to ones head with out even lifting a finger. You could either chant the words that could make the sound appear to them or actually make the sound but you preferred the other way. You quickly started to fight the other with no hesitation as the one on the ground clutched his head in pain. Your sword blocked his metal arms as you fought. Since his skin could turn in to metal you were having a tough time. This was the time of your weakness, if you used the way you preferred you could only use it on one person at a time.

But it seemed like Tokoyami seen you struggling since he jumped in with dark shadow and through him against the wall. Having his own fight with the villain as you started to tie up the other so he would escape when you helped Tokoyami. You removed your quirk from the guy tied up and chanted the words as you watched the other villain. Watching as he broke down in utter pain from everything. Tokoyami glanced back at you with a smirk and left his grip go from the villain and carried him over with the other one. Sirens rang through out the street as police cars came to the scene to arrest them and give the hero's some credit.

"Thank you for your help Tokoyami....it was nice working with you tonight" You said trying to make your leave so that he could have the credit. But as you were about ready to get back on to the roof top he stopped you and grabbed your soft hand. You glanced back at him, a blush forming on your cheeks as you watched him look away awkwardly.

"I would like to fight by your side more Y/n....maybe we could become partners?" So he did know your name after all. Must do his research then,

"But you don't even know me?"

"It's a chance to get to know you, after that fight I know we have each other's backs. We helped each other and fought great with no mess ups....I feel as if we could actually pull off the partnering thing and work together from now on....or at least every once and a while" He said, looking over to find the police already getting out of their cars as you spoke. You smiled at him and cupped his cheek, pecking it slightly only to find his face even more red.

"I love absolutely love to fight by your side Jet Black Hero"

"It would be my honor  to fight by your side (Your Hero Name)" 

My Hero Academia OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon