[Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader] Movie Taste

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You sat on the couch next to Hagakure and with Ojiro and Denki by your feet. Most of the people in the dorm decided to have a movie night after a long and hard week of training. What did they decide to pick? A romantic movie since the last time you along with Kirishima and Denki wanted everyone to watch a scary movie Uraraka and Hagakure had to leave the room from how scared they were. 

Of course you found that funny but you didn't realize that everyone would change just because of that. It didn't stop you from watching scary movies with them though thankfully. But Romantic movies just weren't your type, unrealistic and you just didn't want to believe in something that would never happen to you. All the stories about love at first sight and soulmates, you just never really thought anyone liked you like that. You mostly just had Denki ask you if any of the girls were free to go with him which kind of hurt some what.

You messed with your earring in boredom as you sat there, hearing the girl's whisper and point at the screen or towards guys in the room. Your eyes rolled in annoyance, you just hated watching them. Maybe it was out of jealous....since you didn't have anyone to like you or to gossip about guys to. You knew Hagakure was looking over at you, you could tell which made you have to had the fact you were sad. You smiled and shrugged at her slightly,

"This isn't for me sorry Hagakure....tell me if you guys pick out a better movie yeah?" You said as you got up from the couch and walked to the front door. Glancing over to already find Ojiro in your spot with his arm around her. It made you sick to your stomach it really did. Tears started to form in your eyes as you walked outside in to the night. The moon was very bright to the point you could see almost clear as day.

You honestly wondered what everyone would do if a villain took you away, would they even be concerned about you to even look like they did for Bakugou? You wiped your tears as best as you could but more would flow down your cheeks from your sad eyes. You just couldn't understand why no one would even attempt to be with you, it hurt you greatly but all you could do was stay quiet about it. Maybe your ex was right, no one would love you in the future. You wished you could go to the pond and just stay by the bridge, wondering what would happen if you were gone. Would you let the villains take you just because of that or were you not in their eyes to attack.

A sigh left you as you finally took a seat down underneath a tree out front and watched the stars from up above. Your knees to your chest as you cried quietly, clutching your phone in your hand softly.

"Why the fuck can't I have anything like them....they just have it so perfect and I can't even have the simplest "Hey I think your cute wanna go out" Fuck's sake I'm not good enough am I.....why even try when you know you can't have anyone" You muttered as you wiped your tears as best you could since your vision was getting blurry as you spoke. You couldn't let them see that you cried anyway.

"I thought you were watching the movie inside?" You heard his deep voice say beside you, chuckling slightly you looked up at your emo friend or as you like to say prince of darkness. You shrugged as watched out of the corner of your eye him sit down next to you, fixing his long sleeve band shirt slightly before his eyes landed on you once more, noticing you wipe away your tears quickly so he wouldn't notice you crying.

"The movie sucked so I left you know....not it to Romantic movies, Horror is more my kind of style...how about you huh?" You asked trying to change the subject. You heard him sigh and watched as he brought his hand to his chin to think. You loved the expressions he made when he thought, when he smiled, clearly anything.

"I would say Horror as well but I do like the occasional documentary of older times"

"Ah those are boring, don't know why you like them but hey it's your opinion not mine" You said with a small chuckle as your gaze went back to the stars. Watching their light in the dark sky, it calmed you it really did and reminded you of your friend right beside you at the moment. You felt your cheeks grow red as you sat and thought of him. Why were these thoughts always there of him? He wouldn't like someone like you anyway, what is there to like. He probably likes Tsu or something. But as you sat there you felt his hand go across yours softly, you glanced back at him in surprise as saw him staring at you.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He asked with no emotion in his voice. You didn't know what to say, it was embarrassing.

"um it was about nothing...something embarrassing to talk about you know....it was nothing" You replied with urgency. You heard him sigh slightly as you looked away from him. His hand never went away from yours in that time span. 

"You know people do like you Y/n....some people are just to shy to say anything and think they aren't worth it and your time. Trust me on that" He said as he glanced down at the ground. That made you realize he heard everything you said earlier when you sat by the tree. He just had to come at the worst time ever didn't he. You sniffed slightly and leaned your head on his shoulder softly.

"I mean what have I been doing wrong you know....it's like everyone just ignores me when it comes to dating in general....I'm honestly half tempted with Denki and we all know how that goes.....I just wish I could have someone....to love....to comfort and to just be by my side you know" You replied, finally expressing how bad this was hurting you after all of this time. As you laid your head on his shoulder you felt him lift your chin up with his soft hand. His mahogany eyes met yours for a second. You leaned in and placed your lips against his. Feeling heat radiate off of his body. The kiss was sweet yet also held some lust in the mix from both of you, it excited you greatly from what was happening.

You both pulled back with smiles, your cheeks both red from the thought and aftermath of what had just happened and what you both had just done.

"I'm one of those people that thought I wasn't good enough for you....I'm sorry Y/n....I just thought that I was well out of your league I mean look at you....you're such an amazing and outgoing person. I could never compare myself to that." He said, confessing his feelings finally for you after all this time. You let out a small giggle, gaining his attention immediately.

"I like you Tokoyami.....plus I dig the whole emo thing you got going on....you could say it's my type" You replied, watching a smile raised to his cheeks as he stared at you. You couldn't help but grin widely, moving from you spot on the cold ground to his lap. Feeling him tense up but relax to your touch. You placed your lips back on to his in an instant, feeling his hand run through your hair as you sat there. Your arms wrapped around his neck loosely as he held one arm around your waist. Bringing you in closer towards him. You pulled back for air and smiled at him. Resting your head against his chest as he held you in his arms.

"Come on....how about we go watch a scary movie in my room then, I'm sure I own more then you" You said as you lifted your head up from his chest. He nodded his head softly and got up, helping you up as well from the ground below.

"I would love to Y/n"

"You see we have good movie tastes Fumikage"

"I could never agree more"

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