[Sero Hanta x reader] Day Dreaming

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You leaned your head against the palm of your hand as you sat there and listened to Midnight teach about basic fighting stances and was basically bragging about her techniques to the girls mostly since she can put men to sleep with ease because of her quirk. Your eyes fell heavy as you listened towards the middle of the class, why did you have to stay up training again? As you shut your eyes slowly you felt someone quickly shake your shoulder. Your eyes jolted open to reveal your boy friend smirking at you widely.

"Hey keep awake now...you don't want her yelling at you like she did to Mineta last week" Sero whispered as he watched you lift your head up some.

"Keep me awake will you, this lesson just makes me want to fall asleep" You said, glancing over to her writing on the board some notes to take down which you really didn't want to do at the moment. You turned your head back to him and seen him with a thinking expression, you loved it when he looked confused, you found it often cute since it happened often.

"Well what should I say babe? Something surprising....tell you a story? Maybe we could say at different times if we could go to the bathroom and have a make out session" He replied as he wiggled his eyebrows at the last part of his sentence. He was just putting it out their confidently like he normally would but it still made you blush. Maybe Denki was rubbing off on him to much for any comfort. She yelled at the front slightly to regain everyone's attention but you still had your yes on him. Interlocking your hands together for a quick second.

"You knew she would catch on right Sero?" 

"Yeah and?"

"So she will yell at us and I get embarrassed easily, you know that for a fact when you gave me that necklace one time during lunch and it looked like you were purposing....or that time during the Sports Festival where all eyes were on me because people expected me to be the under dog like Midoriya when I made top 15" You smiled softly seeing him smirk,

"How could I ever forget....but if it makes you feel any better when you're flustered you look really cute" He complimented you with a soft smile, you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. You loved when he complimented you, it made your day completely just to hear those words. You rolled your eyes playfully as he blew you a small kiss and turned his attention back on to the board to copy down the notes she had wrote.

That's when your mind started to wander about him, his looks, his eyes, his smile.....his shirtless body....just the thoughts you want when you are sitting in class bored out of your mind and can't draw on your desk or paper. Your eye lids stared to drop as you thought about him in a dream state of mind, his lips touching your as he holds your waist. You wish you could do that at the moment but sadly you still have classes and it isn't even close to the end of the end for you. 

As your lips touched his in the dream you heard a voice calling your name. You chose to ignore it and continued what you wanted but the voice kept getting louder and louder for you.

"Y/n" you eyes started to open, looking up you saw Sero trying to get your attention. His arms held you tight as he walked down the hallway. Trying to move through everyone else to get to lunch. You must have been out for a good 10 maybe 15 minutes then. You smiled and snuggled in to his chest even more, feeling his soft lips touch your forehead. 

"Have a nice sleep babe?" 


"You're lucky I covered for you, she almost saw you were asleep" Sero said with a cheeky grin as he walked with you.

"Thank you" You replied quietly as he made his way in to the lunch room and found your usual table with the bakugou squad. He sat you down next to him and cupped your cheek. Kissing your lips softly.

"You going to stay awake for me now?" He asked with a smirk as he watched you rub at your eye softly and yawn. You nodded your head as you watched the others coming with food. You rested your head on his shoulder slightly and was greeted by everyone else coming and asking you if you fell asleep. You only smiled....every second was so worth it in your book that was for sure.

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