Chapter Six

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The ride was short and sweet, and the restaurant hosting the event had become her favorite though she would have to work a year and some to afford it. Everything was going terrific, especially the mayor's aspiring speech that had been incredibly friendly and polite.

The food was splendid, as well as the wine. When desert had come around, Sharlene's eyes were like twinkling stars, the alcohol most likely spinning her head.

The appearance of an outstanding character with the mayor had also captured her attention, apart from his handsome features. But she instantly forgot his name. That was one of her flaws.

The names of others were difficult for her to remember, except her family or friend.

Taking another sip of her wine, she scouted the room with a lovely smile.

It was astounding that she could see amazing people who accomplished so much in their lives. Her boss was generous enough to introduce her to her closest associates. She was even more enamored when the mayor stated the hospital was implementing free service to the public, especially women. Though an hour and thirty minutes later, she suspected her boss was ordering her around as if they were in the office. All the beautiful gestures she had done for her turned to ash.

The whole reason Madam Sinclair had brought her here, and whispering it into her ears, was to meet the outstanding business-man, Nicholas Ross.

She also wanted her to be her spokesperson. That made her cross, and so, she quickly excused herself with two glasses of red wine in her system to the bathroom. Effortlessly, she escaped.

Entering the pristine and large environment, Sharlene groaned as soon as a toilet flushed.

She was slightly tipsy, she realized, as she conversed with her reflection.

"Why is this job so hard?! A secretary is not a delivery lassie!"

Slightly pulling her phone from her bag, she glanced at the time on the screen. It was twenty minutes before 12.

She would waste fifteen minutes in the bathroom, but it was easier said than done. After two minutes, she was getting bored, and so she distracted herself by muttering about her bad weeks and mimicking her boss. She removed her favorite lipstick from her bag to re-apply on her lips, and a foolish idea popped into her head. Drawing a heart on the glass, she tipsily murmured incoherent words that when a man had suddenly entered the room, she screamed.

"What are you doing here?!"

The man's eyes were wide with surprise.

"I should be the one asking you that question, lady."

"What do you mean?!"

Shrieking, she pushed herself further into the sink.

"You are in the men's washroom?"

Glancing around with wide eyes, Sharlene screeched when she realized the man was right. She had also pinpointed a man's black shoes underneath one of the closed stalls.

"I'm sorry."

Blushing due to embarrassment, she shoved the lipstick into her bag and rushed out of the room. Leaning against the wall between the two bathrooms, Sharlene closed her eyes with a small groan.

"How can I be so stupid? They had two distinct signs."

Face palming her hot face, Sharlene rushed into the female bathroom that was surprisingly empty. Ten minutes later, she went back into the large hall. She quickly returned to the table where her boss was chatting with successful people. Upon seeing her, she excused herself before enthusiastically asking.

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