Chapter Ninety-Three

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"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."-Albert Einstein


Five minutes later, they arrived in another room.

The only furniture that occupied the room was a long oval table and thirteen chairs placed in the center of the room. There were no decorations nor extravagant designs. Everything was plain and basic.

Hector sat on the chair opposite the one placed at the top of the table. It was a surprising occurrence, for he would always sit at the top of the table during meetings in the company's main conference room.

However, no one commented on his odd behavior and swiftly moved to any chair they desired, Sharlene and Janice sitting near each other as predicted.

As soon as the last person was seated, Hector jumped straight to the point.

"Our goal is simple."

Forming a steeple with his hands, he rested his elbows on the desk. His face was impassive as always, his eyes sharp and piercing as he monitored every face in front of him.

"As I mentioned yesterday, we are to organize this place into an expedition within three weeks. I am sure Madam Sinclair has already said this, but everything should be perfect and organized. We cannot afford any mistakes whatsoever."

With his words, Ashanti suddenly stood, but no eyes averted towards her. All attention was on Hector, as he loved it.

"Today, some of you will be assigned to do three things."

As he spoke, he relaxed his position to lift three fingers. At that moment, Ashanti began to distribute the papers she held in her hands in front of everyone.

"One, oversee the organization and preparation. Two, list out or cut out any errors or mishaps and three, organize the finale of the expedition, which details Madam Sinclair will inform after completion."

Sharlene inwardly groaned because she realized work would increase tenfold from then on.

By the time Hector finished, Ashanti was back in her seat, and everyone had received a paper.

Without breaking eye contact with anyone, he lifted the paper she had placed in front of him.

"On this paper given to you is the plan constructed for the three weeks. To summarise," he lifted his eyes from the paper. "The company will be in charge of caring for the needs of every single person working on this project. That is to ensure minimal mistakes and injuries if there are any. Other details will be posted on the general company forum later today. Any questions?"

No one peeped a single word, and Hector looked content.

"Today, as well as for the next two days, we will focus on one area in the Museum. Indeed, we have a fixed duration, but ensuring everything is in order is more beneficial than completion. This room," he added while lightly tapping the table, "will be for general meetings only as we occupy the Museum. But that is until next week Friday. After that, it will, hopefully, be used and transformed into the many lounges to bring added comfort towards the models and assisting ones who will be arriving one week before the official launching date. If anyone needs or requires added assistance after this, you can contact us through Miss Cunning-ham or Miss Bruno, Madam Sinclair, and I secretaries. Madam Sinclair will give additional information."

Turning towards Madam Sinclair, he murmured.

"Please take it from there."

Nodding, she resumed, her smile blindly fake.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now