Chapter Seven

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It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, but the shrieking voice of his mother had disrupted the peace in a massive mansion in Castle Pines, Colorado.

His mother's hyper shouting was due to the message and invitation he received from the mayor and his wife, or it could be the invite from the Presley Family. Whichever the case, she was angry about something.

He had made sure the mayor's invite was not last minute like yesterday, but to be held in a total of a week and five days. That would give his mother ample time to find the perfect dress.

He had also returned home a little past midnight with a scampering headache that aspirin had instantly fixed yesterday. It was 8:30 in the morning and sitting down with hundreds of papers on the surface of the coffee table in front of him, Nicholas had decided to take a day off from the office and work from home.

But the stomping feet of his mother walking towards him had caused him to regret his decision. She was an odd woman. Hyper one moment and angry the next. She was a handful but only for his father.

He felt sorry for the old chap on many occasions.

He gently placed the design he was drawing back on top of the large pile. It was the main item to be featured at the upcoming event in two months, and it needed to be perfect.

Removing his reading glasses from his face, he leaned back into the chair.

"What is it now, mama?"

"This is what is wrong, Nick! How daft do those people think we are?"

Stretching the tablet that held the information towards him, Evelyn Ross was livid as she heavily sat in the empty seat next to him.

He took the tablet from her hands, and placing the reading glasses back onto his face; he skimmed his eyes over the information.

He sighed with relief, for she was angry about the Presley's invitation.

"It is only an invitation, mama. I see nothing wrong in attending the coming-of-age party of Princess Presley."

Scoffing, Evelyn shook her head.

"No, it is not only an invitation. Read the fine print, Nick."

Sliding up the page and pointing onto a line, she was adamant in bringing her point across.

"They are shamelessly speaking about joining their and our Families through marriage. How rude."

Reading the line his mother was pointing on, Nicholas shook his head with a small smile on his lips. She was making a misunderstanding into a big problem."

"No, they are not, mama. It is a simple invitation that will be held four months from now."

Folding her arms on top of her chest, Evelyn muttered.

"This a coy and professional way to introduced their only daughter to you just like a few months ago. They are trying to set you two up. I am sure of this."

Frowning at his mother's words, Nicholas slowly understood her point of view, but he refrained from agreeing. That is because the look he saw on Princess Presley's face a few months ago was of annoyance and dismissal. She was nowhere near interested in him. She made that clear in her tone of voice and determination of never marrying. However, her father thought otherwise.

"This is a misunderstanding, mama. Princess Presley and I are not interested in each other."

Placing the tablet on the table, Nicholas sighed.

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