Chapter One Hundred and Forty-nine

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"I don't suppose you mean that, Nambe. He got most of his looks from Tyrone and me. You know this to be true."

Bianca inputted, a frown replacing her lovely smile.

"Mm. As if. I suppose you can believe that."

Nambe said dismissively.

"But what a waste. How can our eldest grandson be subjected to marrying an unknown girl stemmed from a low-class background? The agreement between the Lapilles-Roman family and our Brandon-Ross family would have remained intact. Our Aija is suffering because of this...this sudden engagement. I think there's something behind it."

She bit out. The thought and mention of engagement left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Is the girl pregnant, Nicholas? Is this the reason for this shameful family dinner?"

"Mother, mind your words."

Evelyn cautioned, but the stubborn woman was not bothered.

"What words? But it is true. If I must say, Evelyn, a wedding is far too grand for such a simple issue. The best thing done in this situation is for Nicholas to take care of and offer parental support for the unborn child and ignore marriage talk. Who came up with such an uncouth idea anyway? So disgraceful."

Nambe brushed a hand down her dress to remove invincible creases. Her lips pursed, and her eyebrows scrunched, she appeared as someone who ate a sour fruit.

Every word falling from her lips was nonsensical and expected. She was what the family called 'supercilious'-a sour puss.

Her existence revolved around class, prestige, honor, fame, and fortune. Her proudest achievement of raising a politician's daughter. Was it because the surname Brandon carried significance in the late 18' hundreds as a family belonging to viscounts and marquis' for her pompous attitude? And having close family ties with the Ross family, nonetheless, boasted such pride and ego.

"It appears it did not take long for your true thoughts to show their ugly head, mother. I thought you humbled yourself over those lonely years. I guess I was wrong. And it was I who suggested marriage. If anything, it is with me you should take up this biased conversation."

Evelyn calmly spoke, but Nick knew her annoyance lurked underneath her skin.

"And did Nicholas say yes to this arrangement? How silly. You practically forced your eldest son into an unwanted relationship. Is our family now handing charity to swine? We might as well tell the whole world that a prince can marry a pauper in rags."

Nambe scoffed, her disappointment in her daughter's suggestion irking her.

"Nambe, you are going too far. Wealth has nothing to do with this arrangement. Can't you be happy for your grandson for once in your life?"

Bianca intervened. Her spirit had never taken the woman. She being her in-law had left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was this attitude that contributed to her earlier treatment of Evelyn. She was far too cynical and prideful for her humble age.

"Happy? As if." She scoffed. "Everyone today values money more than anything. What makes you think the girl and her family agreed to this accursed arrangement to gain benefits and capital from our family? It would be a cold day in hell if it did not pertain to fame and luxury."

Nick frowned. He had had enough of his grandmother's harsh judgment of Sharlene and her family for the past two days.

"Enough, abuela. I appreciate your concern, but my future bride and her family are far from the people you paint them to be. Keep your snide comments to yourself. We invited you here to congratulate me on my upcoming wedding, not to chastise or insult anyone."

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now