Chapter Twenty

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Nicholas grew angry by the discovery, and he rarely grew angry. He spoke through gritted teeth while looking in Doccharles direction.

"I thought you disposed of the sperm."

"Yes, yes, I did. I made sure of that."

Nervously, Doccharles stuttered. He felt conflicted.

"Then why...?"

Quickly interjecting, for she did not want her father further blamed, Sherlene spoke barely over a whisper.

"I swapped it with another male's before my father could dispose of it."

"You little devil!"

Barking, Nicholas moved to grab onto Sherlene, but Evelyn quickly stood and rushed to intercept him.

Grasping his cheeks, she cooed.

"Honey, it is alright."

"But this is not right, Mom. This girl has..."

Refuting while trying to remove her hands from his face, Nicholas was pissed, and Evelyn plainly understood as she quickly interjected.

"I know, I know. It will be all right. Let me handle it, okay? No need to lose your anger over trash, no offense, Mr. Doccharles."

Rubbing his back while sharing a glance with unoffended Doccharles, Evelyn continued to calm down her son, who was repeatedly passing his hands through his hair.

The situation had taken a 360 turn when reality suddenly sunk. Nicholas' eyes averted to Sharlene, who had flown herself into her sister's arms. A pang passed through his heart when he realized his earlier outburst had scared her. Breathing in and out, he forced himself to calm down. This discovery was mind-boggling, but being rational and calm in the situation was better than letting his anger win.

"I am going to be a father."

Whispering such words, he closed his eyes with a loud sigh and placed a palm over his eyes.

"Am I going to be a father, Mom, even before I planned it?"

Opening his eyes, he glanced down at his mother after calming down.

Nicholas was confused. Evelyn frowned, for she had never seen her son so defeated and unsure.

"I am so sorry. Sherlene's childish thinking has caused everyone so much trouble, worry, and concern. Mrs. Cunning-ham, I will fulfill your wish and accept the lawsuit."

Doccharles was embarrassed as he slightly bowed his head in aggrievance. He was willing to step down as Mayor if told to in the place of the disappointment his precious daughter had caused. His lips wobbled as he blamed himself for not disciplining her enough.

Helena sighed, her arms still folded on her chest. She was not satisfied with only this. Her desire earlier was to see the entire hospital shut down, but she knew it was her anger speaking. Averting her eyes from the humble man, she glanced at Nick. The young man had turned pale, his mind probably conjuring different scenarios to deal with the situation.

"That will not be necessary, Mr. Doccharles."

Evelyn spoke after the brief silence that followed the apology. With a smile, she ignored the what-are-you-talking-about stare Nicholas gave her.

"My son will take full responsibility."

Helena raised an eyebrow in question.

"What? Are you telling us to drop the lawsuit? Do you think this is a light matter, Evelyn? And what do you mean by 'your son will take full responsibility'? Are you talking about marriage?"

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