Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two

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It took five minutes for everyone to settle into their respective vehicles. The two sisters arguing among themselves were responsible for this mishap. Influenced by their inner child, they each wanted to ride in the passenger seat. And the debate was intense.

Sharlene shook her head. Watching the man clearing his throat and giving instructions to the patiently waiting chauffeurs, she felt sorry for him because the arguing ladies paid no mind to their surroundings.

"Please get in."

Turning her attention towards the driver, who opened the back seat door for them, she smiled.

"Grandma, you go in first."

Obediently, Irene did, and she soon followed. Closing the door behind them, he proceeded to assist Nadia into the passenger seat.

"This way, miss."

"Thank you."

She politely murmured as she entered the vehicle. Swiftly, he shut the door and moved towards the driver's seat.

Sharlene's cheeks flushed from embarrassment as she observed the silly banter outside her window.

"They never change, do they?"

Her grandma whispered, her eyes twinkling from observing the drama. Seeing her mother dampen the argument by laughing at something Verona said, Sharlene turned to face Irene with a smile.

"Nope. I don't think they ever will."

Tapping her hand, Irene nodded in agreement.

A few moments later, they heard laughter, then the sound of doors shutting. Sharlene was glad the silly argument was over. Being around family was indeed the cure for any heartache.

"We will be driving off now, ladies."

The driver announced as he watched them in the review mirror.

"Thank you."

Sharlene expressed while her grandmother whispered in her ears.

"What a kind lad. And he is handsome too."

"Don't let grandpa hear you say that, ma."

"Pish. As if he did not have his share of ogling."

Gasping, Sharlene gloated about her grandfather.

"Oh, heavens no, ma. You know grandpa loves you dearly."

Lightly slapping her arms, although smirking from that thought, Irene muttered.

"Do let your grandma enjoy her sight."

Laughing, Sharlene sank into the warmth of her grandmother's arms.


Thirty minutes later, an intimidating but majestic building came into view.

As the vehicles slowly drove towards the entrance, Sharlene and Nadia could not hide their adoration.

"Is this the hotel the short gentleman was talking about?"

Her grandmother murmured as she scrutinized the building. Averting her eyes from the building, Sharlene smiled while tapping her hand.

"It appears so, ma."

"It appears so? Does that mean this is also your first time coming here, Shar?"

Nadia curiously asked, and she nodded.

"I have also never heard of this hotel before."

She mumbled.


The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now