Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven

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Sharlene, with horror written all over her face, abruptly stood.

"Why am I hearing them now?"

"Because you were too busy pacing?"

"This is my cue to leave. They can't see me like this."

"You mean Nick can't see you like this?"

"Exactly. Tell everyone that you never met me," shaking her head, she bit her lip, "no, that would sound too obvious."

"Of course, it would."

AJ murmured, and she sent a glare at his face. However, AJ was unconcerned because he was busy playing one of his infamous games on his phone.

"Just act like you never saw me, okay?"

"Okay, but what's in it for me?"

Sharlene raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't do something as easy as pie for nothing in return, can I?"

There went the negotiating ploy again.

"You said it yourself, J, it is easy as pie, so there is no reward."

"Ah, ah, ah," AJ tutted. Removing his eyes from his phone to rest on her for the briefest of moments, he smirked.

"If I don't get something in return, I will tell mom and everyone else, including Nick, you woke up hours ago."

Another call from their mother had Sharlene hissed like a cat at smirking AJ.

"Okay, okay, okay, fine. What is your bargain?"

"Mmm, let me think?"

Tapping her feet on the ground, she pressed.

"We don't have the whole day, J."

"I know," AJ gave his cunning smile that made Sharlene cringe inside, for he only showed such a devious smile when he wanted something she would never give him in a million years.

"Why don't you let me drive your car for two days straight, starting today?"

"No, no, no, no, no, nope. Not going to happen."

Her refusal made AJ shrug, and he returned to his game.

"Then you are on your own."

"AJ, you little blue-eyed devil!"

She growled, but AJ was indifferent. After impromptu thinking, since everyone was almost near the kitchen, she sighed with reluctant acceptance.

"Okay, fine, but remember, if anything happens to my baby, I will make you pay."

With a wide grin on his lips, AJ exclaimed.


Begrudgingly, Sharlene muttered.


With their deal accomplished, she speed-walked out of the kitchen using the second archway and returned to her mother's bedroom. Leaning against the closed door, she passed her hands through her hair like a crazy person. How could she let that happen? Again she began to pace with her hand on her mouth in front of the door. Sooner than she thought, her mother's nervous voice and soft knocking echoed behind the door.

"Sharlene? Darling? Are you okay in there?"

Pausing her pacing, she rushed to open the door and threw herself into her mother's arms with a sob.

"What am I going to do, mom? I woke up late and made him wait for so long."

Helena raised an eyebrow in confusion, though her arms had wound around Sharlene's shoulders.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now