Chapter One Hundred and Two

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Feeling the soft pat of Helena's hand on her arm, Rita glanced her way. Seeing her warm smile, she could not help but get emotional, her eyes filling with tears, but she rapidly blinked them away because she did not want them to ruin her makeup.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded when Helena gently pulled away when they had reached in front of the podium.

Quickly, Yvonne walked down the three steps in other to assist her. Placing her hands in his outstretched hands, Helena murmured.

"Please take good care of her, Yvonne."

"I will."

As he expressed this, Yvonne's eyes reflected love and appreciation for the beautiful bride standing in front of him.

Satisfied with his answer, Helena kissed Rita's forehead before walking away to take her seat on the nearest bench.

Gently, he squeezed her hand. He did so to reassure both her and himself. He then helped her up the three steps until they both stood in front of the officiant.

Helping her with the dress, Sharlene and Janice smiled as they moved to sit on the same bench Helena was on.

Glancing between smiling Yvonne and Rita, the officiant began with a wide smile.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate a beautiful occasion, the wedding of Rita Choon-hee Kim and Yvonne Chan...."


The ceremony had gone excellent and emotional. Everyone, including the officiant, had tears in their eyes. After Rita and Yvonne sealed their marriage vows with a beautiful kiss, they stepped down the podium to envelop everyone, including Nick, in a hug. Soon after, Rita broke down in tears, her joy insatiable.

It had taken five minutes to calm down her waterworks and bring back the smile on her face.

Recovering from the impromptu hug Yvonne gave him and dismissing his thought of repaying him for his help, Nick walked towards the officiant who was conversing with Helena.


Turning around when she heard her name, Sharlene's lips broke into a beautiful smile, for it was Riana. Dressed pretty decent today, her hair, which she had dyed black, was in fancy curls, unlike a few days ago. She wore plain tights underneath her light purple color fluffy dress and had on simple accessories. She looked pretty.

"Nana. I am glad you could make it."

She said, her eyes lightening up as she saw her.

"I am glad you invited me."

Riana smiled before averting her eyes onto Rita.


"Thank you, sweetie. You must be Riana."

Rita said while still dapping her eyes for any other traces of tears with a tissue.

"The one and only."

Riana joked.

Laughing, Rita gloated.

"I like her."

"I am glad you do."

Sharlene smiled before pointing to Janice.

"This is Janice, my other best friend, and the teenage boy leaning against the wall over there with his eyes buried in his phone is my troublesome brother AJ, who I told you about."

Looking in the direction she pointed, Riana giggled.

"He is indeed a game fanatic."

Humming, Sharlene nodded.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now