Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two

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"Well, that was something."

Nick said while leaning against the wall.

A few moments after the delightful dinner had finished, Nick and Sharlene were ushered out of the room by his grandmother. It centered on the pretense of receiving fresh air, but Nick knew better. This time, she allowed them to go to her personally designed gazebo. Surrounded by red roses and built near a fountain, it was the perfect area for a romantic getaway.

Nick and Sharlene took full advantage of the beautiful stone-structured seats and the glass ceiling. After all, this was the place Nick would always run to when he did not want to speak or meet anybody.

"I felt like I was in an interrogation room, and if I said the wrong thing, I would be a convict for life."

He said, the scene of Sharlene's aunts dragging him to a corner and bombarding him with questions making a shiver go up his spine. The only good thing about the experience was the baby called Dee. She had cried tooth and nail when her mother took him from his arms. She took a liken to him as did he.

Deep inside his heart, as he saw the bundle of joy, a little girl looking like Sharlene flashed through his mind.

Glancing at her flat stomach, he smiled at the thought of holding a dainty and beautiful baby girl in his arms. What a blessing it would be!

"I apologize for the pressure my family, especially my aunts and grandmother, placed upon you."

He cleared his throat, but the image remained in his mind.

"It's alright. Although I can't say I was not a little scared when your grandmother shot those daggers, she calls her eyes in my direction."

"She has a mean glare, but she is quite a wonderful person when you get to know her."

"Yeah. I am glad I learned that side before any other. I enjoyed meeting your family, sweetheart. They are one of a kind."

"I hope they did not make you feel uncomfortable."

Her genuine concern made Nick smile. She was the perfect bride for him.

"To be honest, it did, but there are some things I realized I have to change if I want to pursue these feelings I have for you, Shar."

"Changes? You don't need to change the way you are because of me. You are perfect."

Her words, from one's point of view, were considered correct, but only Nick knew the flaws he had to change in his personality. Even Hector Thomas was surprised when he maintained a decent conversation with one of his clients. It was a change for the best.

"Even a perfect diamond can have flaws."

He bluntly stated, and it was a fact. To maintain a good relationship with someone, he had to become a better person, especially for Sharlene.

"I guess when you put it that way, I can't disagree."

She said with a pout, her eyes averted from him to look up at the sky. A few moments of silence later, she gasped in awe when the cloud covering the moon dissipated.

"The moon is so beautiful tonight."

"It sure is."

Nick murmured, but his eyes never strayed from the radiating sight of Sharlene. Upon feeling his eyes on her, she huffed.

"You are not even looking at the moon, Nick."

"But I know the one sitting next to me is even more beautiful."

He teased with his gorgeous million-dollar watt smile.

"Oh, you are making me blush."

She gushed, and he chuckled.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now