Chapter Forty-Four

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"I will also read your books, Jan. Just like Rita, I have a passion for reading light romance."

Sharlene expressed with a lovely smile. Averting her eyes from Jan, Rita's smile broadened.

"Of course, you will have a passion for them, Shar, because you are living one of them."

A rosy blush adorned Sharlene's face, and she hurriedly denied the fact while turning back to her drink.

"I am not, Riri."

"What do you mean, Riri? How is she living in it exactly?"

Jan curiously asked, making the blush on Sharlene's face intensify.

"Oh, innocent and curious Jan, be prepared to be amazed."

Rolling her eyes, Sharlene pouted after moving the straw from within her mouth.

"There is nothing to be amazed about, Jan."

With a smug smile, Rita leaned back into her seat.

"Of course there is. Sharlene is going to get married, Jan."

Brightening up when she heard such, Jan became excited. For just as she was a sucker for Romance, marriage was her second admiration since it was a beautiful affair done by those who loved and cherished each other, though not all the time. But she was not discouraged.

"Wow. Congratulations, Shar."

"Thank you, Jan."

Appreciative of her interest, Sharlene's blush intensified if it could. She looked like if her blush grew deeper; she would explode with shyness, like a volcano.

"But that is not all, Jan. Remember the name, Nick?"

Humming, with a hand underneath her chin, as she thought of where she heard the name, her eyes sparkled when she exclaimed.

"Yes. You mentioned when we were entering the elevator a few days ago."

A cheeky grin, Rita continued.

"That I did. Well, he is going to be Sharlene's husband."

"Oh. He sounds like a decent guy."

Crackling, as if she was high on endorphins, Rita enjoyed quite too much in expressing her love for sappy Romance.

"He is not just a decent guy, but the decent guy. Handsome too. The epitome of male perfection."

Jan was a little intimidated by that, but in a good way, if that made sense.

"Ah, he sounds like someone important."

"He is. And don't mention filthy rich."

"Someone with taste?"

Jan questioned with a nervous chuckle, for Rita looked as if she was possessed while explaining those things.

"Indeed. Very, very handsome."

"Oh, come on, Riri. You are scaring her with that creepy gaze you are giving her. And..."

Glancing every which way, for she was getting impossibly nervous, Sharlene cleared her throat.

"And tell her already. It's not like it's a secret."

Murmuring, she returned to sipping on her drink though she was shier than she was before, after the mention of Nick's name.

"Look at how she is blushing after I mentioned his name. Isn't she cute?"

Rita teasingly gushed, but Sharlene brushed her comment aside with a huff, though she was affected inside.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz