Chapter Eighty-Seven

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"So, if you want to wear your shirt, why aren't you?"

"Interesting question. Today I am babysitting Ann's granddaughter, who is Angel. And when I am babysitting, I was warned not to dress up like a character straight from a horror movie because I will scare the living daylights out of her."

Sharlene smiled at her sarcastic joke while becoming curious because Ann is one of the nicknames for Annisa.

"Is she Nisa's granddaughter?"

She asked, her voice filled with astonishment.

"Ah, have you met Ann already?"

"Yes. Your brother told me to come to see her today."

Glancing down at her flat stomach, Riana gushed.

"Oh, yes, I completely forgot. I am going to be a young aunt soon!"

Happily dancing as best she could without waking up Angel, Riana smiled from ear to ear.

"So, did you come to her to do your check-up?"


"I can't believe it! Is this a miracle?! I was just about to make my way to Ann and bring Angel to her so that I can go home and help mom do whatever she needs help with, which I forgot. But now that I have met you, and there are so many other things I want to discuss with you—ask you, I think I'll rain check."

Fishing out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans, she asserted.

"I'll call her right now."

"Wait. Won't she feel pressured in whatever she's doing alone?"

"No," Riana absentmindedly murmured while her thumb was flying across the keypad as she typed in the password. "She will be alright. I assure you, she has many maids who can assist her."

She said while placing the phone close to her ears as soon as she dialed her mother's number. On the second ring, Evelyn answered in a cheery voice, and Riana rolled her eyes. She was in a temporary happy mood.

"Hi, darling. Are you on your way home?"

"Hi, mom. No, no, I am still in Lumines medical center."

"I see. And what are you still doing there? Did you forget your promise?"

Riana heard the matter-of-fact tone in her mother's voice and quickly changed the topic by asking, "guess who I met?"

Her smile slowly turned into a frown when her mother mentioned someone who never came to mind.

"No, mom, it is not a celebrity. And it sure ain't Chris."

Her face scrunched up when she said that last thing.

"And even if he were the last person living on earth, I would not ask him for an autograph. Okay. Okay. That is beside the point. Gosh, I met Sharlene, mom."

Cringing, she suddenly pulled the phone away from her ears because her mother's squeal had threatened to explode her eardrums.

Sharlene smiled as she heard the low squeal.

"Are you done?"

Riana asked when she returned the phone to her ears.

"No. I met her in the hallway leading to Ann's office. Yes, she is lovely, as you remember."

She winked in Sharlene's direction when she said that. Then a frown formed on her lips when her mother had asked another ridiculous question.

"No, Nick is not with her. Why would he? He is halfway across the world. No, mom, she is not—wait a moment, mom."

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now