Chapter One Hundred and Six

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Nick's breath hitched, and his heart raced.

What in the world was this ethereal creature standing before him?

Her green eyes looked even more lively, the emerald shade threatening to suck him into their depths. Her kissable lips, now painted light glossy pink, seemed to beckon for his attention. Her smooth tan skin shone as if made of porcelain from the light of the bulbs. Her hair looked soft to the touch, and his hands twitched with the memory of gliding his fingers through the rich strands yesterday evening.

And the dress, yes, the dress that contrasted with her skin, makeup, jewelry, and shoes, fitted her the way his sister had envisioned it would.

"I am not a fashion guru like, mom, but inheriting her thinkableness, if that is a word towards fashion like her, those dresses, shoes, jewelry, and makeup will be excellent for Shar. I am sure she will like them, and if she ever asks, don't tell her it came as gifts from me, but you. Since you at least asked for my help, you might as well take the credit."

Her words were both sarcastic as well as reasonable, and he was thankful she had allowed him to take the credit because right at this moment when he gazed upon his angel wearing the dress, he felt he ascended into pure joy.


Glancing at Sharlene, then Nick, and vise versa, Rita could not help the goofy smile erupting on her lips. Though she was only a bystander, she did not feel the least bit offended.

She was glad.

Her plan had not gone according to her estimated result, but it was even better than she thought. Her smile soon turned into a grin when a whole minute had passed.

'Shoot, I should have bet an item from Sharlene if I knew my guess would be right.'

Rita criticized herself for being fickle. The plane tickets she had lost to Sharlene, which was still sitting comfortably in her cupboard, would have returned to her then. But alas, she could only cry over spilled milk. Holding in her laughter, Rita cleared her throat as loudly as she could, and the noise zapped them out of their staring contest.

Both of them turned in her direction and gave the sweetest sheepish smile. However, they soon returned to watch each other.

"I am sorry for interrupting, but I would like to say that I was only teasing. No harm done, right?"


Absentmindedly, Nick responded, the earlier confrontation lost somewhere in his mind, the beauty standing in front of him overpowering his senses.

Astonished by his lack of concentration, Rita turned her attention to Sharlene.

"Right, Sharlene?"


Like a parrot, Sharlene mimicked Nick, and Rita could not help but mischievously grin.

'This is interesting.'

She thought.


She deliberately said, her bubbling laughter threatening to explode, when they responded the same word in sync.


She mouthed.

"Are you two going to have a wonderful evening?"

She tried another tactic but in a question form.



They synchronized once more, and Rita's grin widened. She decided to ask a more personal question and was anticipating the response.

"Are you two going to kiss at the end of your dinner date?"

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