Chapter Sixty-Six

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Leaning away so that she could capture the shock on his face, she laughed. Lightly tapping his shoulders, she smirked with a wink.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Pulling away from her, AJ scoffed while brushing his shoulder as if dust had rested upon it.

She pursed her lips when she saw his action.

He spoke while ignoring her expression.

"So even if you knew? It does not matter anymore because she already has someone else she loves."

Nodding, Sharlene was pleased.

"I am glad you know that."

Brushing her away from him, he exclaimed.

"Begone, pipsqueak."

Gasping, she moved away from him with a huff, and like a child, whined.

"You are so annoying."

"But not as bad as you."

He teased, and she retaliated by passing a hand through his hair.


He exclaimed, but she had already moved back to interlock her arm with Janice.

"Is the room ready?"

She questioned while AJ was trying to put his hair back in place.


He huffed.

"Excellent job, lovey-dovey J."

His face turned green when he heard this while giving up on his hair, for no matter what he did, the stubborn strands were shooting whichever way.

"Oh, do not make that face. If you can make another nickname for me, I can make one for you too. Let us go, Jan, so you can get your beauty sleep."

Smiling, Janice allowed her to pull her along.

"Sweet dreams, lovey-dovey J!"

She called after seeing the bed covering and pillows he had placed on the sofa.

Responding with a grumble, he quickly made his bed on the sofa and sank into it.

After Sharlene had made sure Janice got settled in, she rushed back downstairs into her mother's room and sank into the warmth of her arms.

But before she could, she heard her sleepy mumble.

"Did you lock the front door?"

Pausing in her wake to pull her bed cover over her person, Sharlene groaned, for she hadn't.

"I'll be right back."

Mumbling, she rushed towards the bedroom door.

"No running."

She heard Helena's low bark and quickly decreased her pace with scrunched eyebrows. With that, she walked out of the bedroom and soon was at the front door. After fastening the lock, she helped the shivering and mumbling AJ by covering him with the sheet he had unconsciously kicked to the ground in his sleep before moving back into the room.

Soon, the house fell into silence.


In a large and wide conference, an emergency meeting was taking place. It was about the construction and maintenance of the new restaurant, pool, and lounge area.

Nicholas had instigated the idea the day after he arrived, and his board members were encouraged and had no faults with it. That was because implementing that idea would not only boost the hotel's financial standing but popularity.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now