Chapter Twenty-Two

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Leaning on the desk in his private study five hours later with folded arms on top of his chest, Nicholas was in deep thought. Today had been hectic and unexpected.

Not only did he find out he was going to be a father, but he was going to get married.

Sighing, he passed a hand down his face. He revisited the events that had occurred after the abrupt denial and exit of his mother's friend.


Watching the trio leaving the room, Nicholas was stunned and unsure of what to do. His mother was still fuming, her face turning red, while she folded her arms on top of her chest. She was also mumbling to herself, but he did not bother to decipher her words. It appeared they were the only ones in the room because Doccharles had pulled Sherlene out of the room, most likely to find a quieter place and setting to speak some sense into his spoiled child.

"Why would she say something like that? Am I...was I too impulsive?"

His mother inquisitively asked as she placed a finger on her mouth.

Loosing the suddenly constricting tie around his neck, Nicholas sighed.

"She does have a point, mom. We cannot just rush marriage. It is a commitment between two people who know each other."

Stamping her feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum, Evelyn huffed.

"I know, but the baby can't be born out of wedlock. Do you know what it would do to Sharlene's reputation?"

Thinking back to the moment he had gazed into Sharlene's kind eyes, Nicholas felt his heart tugged with guilt. His mother was right.

Society would criticize her indeed.

Groaning, he passed a hand down his face.

"Is marriage the right thing, mom?"


"But I do not have feelings for Miss. Cunning-ham."

Evelyn sent a pointed look in Nicholas's direction, something he found odd, for he suddenly frowned.

"Why are you looking at me like that, mom?"

A little freaked from her look, Nicholas grew nervous.

"You think I did not see the way you looked at that young lady."

"Wha...what way was I looking at her, mom?"

Sputtering, Nicholas' cheeks slightly turned pink.

Folding her arms on top of her chest, Evelyn responded with a teasing smile.

"Like you wanted to gobble her whole in one bite."

Widened eyes, Nicholas took a step back while placing his hands in front of his chest. The pink hue on his cheeks grew darker. His mother's bold remark made him flustered.

"I did not want to gobble her up in one bite, mom. What gave you that insinuation?"

"Ah, ha, so you are going to deny you are attracted to her, then?"

Feeling cornered by his mother, Nicholas turned around to face the window.

"I...I am not attracted to her, mom."

"Pah," an expression of disbelief, Evelyn waved her hands into the air.

"I will believe that when pigs fly. That is the first girl I have ever seen you stare at for more than fifteen minutes, and that is saying much."

Swiftly turning around with burning cheeks, Nicholas goaded.

"When did you see all that? I thought you were paying attention to arguing with your friend."

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now