Chapter Eighty

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Sighing for the hundredth time, Sharlene monitored the sizzling egg in the frying pan in front of her. Hiding her yawn behind her hand, she rapidly blinked to remove the tears from her eyes. Bouncing from one foot to the other, she stretched her neck from one side to the other to decrease her fatigue.

"You look as if you are preparing for a fight."

AJ bemusedly voiced, his eyes briefly lifting from the phone screen to glance at her back. He had been sitting at the table for the past five minutes, patiently waiting for his betted breakfast.

Muttering incoherent words, she removed the cooked egg from the frying pan and placed it on one of the plates she had put on the counter earlier. She was not in a cheery mood today, though the sun was shining gloriously outside. That was all because of the person playing something on his phone behind her. He had woken up thirty minutes earlier than usual and found himself banging against her room door while she was about to enter her second dream after reliving her filled tank in the washroom.

Waking up groggy and disoriented, she had opened then slammed the door in his face but had forgotten to lock it. As a result of this, he had entered and begun making annoying sounds with his mouth and feet. She had no choice, that is, after throwing a pillow in his face, to get up and follow him with her bunny slippers dragging against the ground behind him into the kitchen.

Now here she was, her eyes half-closed, making breakfast for the Prince of Servants.

Sighing once more, she broke another egg and added it to the slightly lubricated frying pan. Her eyebrows scrunched when the loud sizzling sound penetrated through her still asleep ears.

Glancing at the time on the small clock which her mother had recently bought in the corner near the stove, she scrunched her eyebrows, for it was still quarter to six.

"You sound like the whole world is on your shoulders. Is making breakfast that horrible?"

"What do you think? You are only a spectator."

Grumbling, she flipped the egg and continued to monitor it.

"Did you say anything?"

AJ asked with raised eyebrows and a smile on his face because he had indeed heard her grumble. With a sugary smile in his direction, her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"No, I did not. You must check your hearing. I heard even young people are affected."

With a dismissive huff, AJ rolled his eyes.

"Just don't burn the eggs like last time."

Those words got him a glare from Sharlene.


He innocently asked while trying hard not to laugh.

"That was a one-time fine."

She muttered, but AJ, who was pretending to scroll through his phone, spoke candidly.

"I beg to differ. On many occasions, I had no choice but to eat charcoal eggs and burnt bread for breakfast, and no amount of water could wash the bad taste from my mouth."

Snorting, Sharlene turned her attention back onto the egg and dramatically gasped, for it was already changing slightly black.

Hurriedly, she removed it from the frying pan and dropped it on another plate.

She glared at AJ once more, silently blaming him for that slight mishap. Acting as if nothing happened, she added a small amount of oil into the frying pan, then cracked another egg.

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