Chapter 9

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(3rd person pov.)

Nezu:" I will be reading out the teams and who'll be fighting , so listen close! The rounds will be in the order that I read them in!!!"

Kirishima and Katsuki vs Cementoss

Lida and Ojiro vs Power Loader

Tsu and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm

Momo and Shoto vs Aizawa

Aoyama and Sero vs Thirteen

Kaminari and Mina vs Nezu

Jirou and Koda vs Present Mic

Shion and Izumi vs Midnight

Y/n and Izuku vs All Might

Izumi:" AllMight?!?"

Allmight:" I AM HERE!!!"

Izumi:( Oh, no.....)

Y/n:" This is going to be enteraining!!" she said with a bright smile

Shion:" I know right Friend Y/n?!?" she said with an even more bright smile.


Present Mic:"LET'S GET TO THE RUMBLE!!!"

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Present Mic:"LET'S GET TO THE RUMBLE!!!"

Jiro:" Crap....."

Izuku:" This is going to be a train wreck......"




In the first match, Kirishima and Bakugou almost lost, since Kirishima was running out of stamina for his quirk and Bakugou hands were starting to hurt, but in the end, he pushed trough with the help of Kirishima and was able to send a big expolosion enough to hit Cementoss's back, which gave them enough time to slap the cuffs on his writs before Kirishima passed out from exhaustion and Bakugou from dehydration.

The second match, Lida and Ojiro manage to win but barely against Power Loader.

Tsuyu and Tokoyami won against Ectoplasm, but barely.

Momo and Shoto manage to win against Eraserhead, using strategy instead of brute force.

Aoyama and Sero lost because they were concentrated during the fight so it led Thirteen to took advantage of the situation.

Kaminari and Mina, lost against Nezu.

Jirou and Koda won against Present Mic, thanks to Koda Quirk and Jirou earphone jack.

Shion and Izumi won against Midnight, thanks to their strategy.

Shion:" IZUKU!!!!" she  ran towards Izuku trying to hug, when suddenly Izuku eyes turn bloody red and he saw.....STAIN?!?

Izuku dodge the hug and Judo flip her on the ground.

Shion:" STOP!! I-Izuku...."


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