Chapter 57

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Before the clash, the Pro-Heroes were now planning how to attack as Mineta didn't want to take part of none of that.

Sero:"It's time, get up Grape Juice, we got to go!!"

Mineta:"Why? Isn't our job just to clean up after the front lines? So, in reality working too hard would just be an insult to the Pro-Heroes."

Sero:"Get up already...." he said annoyed by Mineta being a coward.

Izuku then opened his eyes from the meditation.

Izuku:"It has begun."

Mineta eyes widen.

Mineta:"Huh?!? What?!?"

Jiro then used her earphone jack to pick up the signal.

Jiro:"They are on the move!!!"

Y/n:"Just because we have unprecedented amount of Heroes, here...doesn't mean we should become careless. In other words, we don't know exactly what are we going to be fighting. So we must rely in our strength in numbers, aswell as good teammwork."she said.

Jiro:"Even though Tokoyami said so.....will they really be okay?" she asked, before Momo put her hand on her shoulder.

Momo:"Of course, they'll be fine!!!"

Y/n and Izuku then nodded as they gave the signal to all of the Heroes to charge as they all did.

Kaminari however was very scared about this, since he is in the front lines.

Kaminari:"I.....I wanna be with the others!!!!"

Midnight:"You agreed to this kiddo, remember?!? We need your Quirk!! You must think we're pathetic for asking you kids help!!"

Kaminari:"No way!! I don't think you adults are pathetic at all!!!"

Tokoyami:"Kaminari, There's something I realized when we pratice guitar are...a magnificent fellow..."

Kaminari:"Don't say stuff like that, as if I'm about to die!!!!" he said

Tokoyami:"That's not-" however Izumi cut him off.

Izumi:"Everybody charge!!!!"

Cementoss then used his Quirk to opened the way for all of the Heroes to the Injustice League mansion.




Villain:" The concrete is pulsing!!!"

Skeptic:"Alert the council in the assembly hall!! Violet and Black to the front! Take on the front entrance!! Brown, you come aswell!! Carmine, to the assembly hall!!"

Then Ra's and his assassins appeared behind Skeptic back who didn't even noticed it.

Ra's:"Looks like you're in trouble, Mr. Skeptic. Go and prepare the others now."

Then the Hero bust in the mansion as Ra's al Ghul sighed.

Ra's:"This is happening, because we all waited and sat around for Shigaraki Tomura, we just need to get this going as quickly as possible. IN THE NAME OF THE INJUSTICE LEAGUE!!" he then snapped his fingers as his assassins charge and activate their artificial Quirks.

Then all of the Villains from the mansion got cough of surprise by the rumbling, Toga, Compress, Dabi and Shion.




Edgeshot:"We must apprehend them all!!! These trained assassins and soldiers who are willing to sacrifice themselves for this cause!!! Letting a single one of them slip past will pose a public threat!!! So fight on...defend our society!!!!"

My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum