Chapter 49

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As the student demostrate their growth , Hero society is changing as well......but just why are there interships again?........






The teachers of U.A. were now in an assembly room.....discussing about needing other interships for the students.......

Midnight:"What is the meaning of this?"she said while holding up a paper.

Aizawa:"I'm pretty sure we have more chars......"

Nezu:"It's nice and warm here though........"

Cementoss:"Why are the interships starting again so suddenly....?"

Nezu:"Previously to our agreement with the other Hero Agencies......was to conduct interships on an 'demand' basis.......However we this time we've received a direct request from the public safety conduct a practical.....field training.......for all Hero departments....."

Vlad King:"A request?!? So they are telling us to force them to do interships?!?"


Midnight:"But this.......wait.....Aren't they basically saying they don't have enough manpower? Despite having more Heroes than ever?"

Ectoplasm:"'In response to the recent growth of large scale villain organizations, we would like , students to gain more experience'......not doubt something else must have happened in the city of Deika....."

Snipe:"The Vanguard Action Squad must be evolved, but for some reason they're wording it very vaguely....."

Nezu:"It seems that the public safety commission has reason to suspect some kind of imminent danger.....but as Kayama-san said......they're being vague......most likely because they want to hide the fact that they know this.....the 'interships' themselves feel like some kind of message...."

Aizawa:"If that's the case, it makes sense that they couldn't tell us directly....something's not right......"

Cementoss:"It's the first time something like this has happened...."

Nezu:"In any case.....preparing for danger is the norm of us Heroes.....let's start by reaching out some top Heroes..... Oh, and after the meeting please go inform the students, they have some winter break homework....also Aizawa-Kun on the topic of the public safety commission, the program I was talking to you earlier.....has......"





A few days later, Nezu was now talking with both Allmight and the Detective the snow was falling outside of U.A. High School...

Nezu:"It's been four months since the students moved into the dorms, none have exhibited suspiscious activities......"





Naomasa:"In that case, we can conclude there is no spy from the Vanguard among them!!"






Nezu:"Well, only if that continues to be the case when The Vanguard makes their next the way Toshinori are you coming back today?"

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