Chapter 98

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In the Underground of the planet where the humans were living a bunch of constructor workers were now rebuilding up the buildings that were previously destroyed by the attacks made by the Intergalatic Patrol and some aliens that enjoyed causing much destruction.

And meanwhile above the planet siren, the Supreme Lord was now watching from each camera angle of the drones where was the place where Y/n was hiding with the Omnitrix.

???:"I've been too patient. I'm done playing hide and seek." he said.

Scientist:"Should I send more enforcers?" he asked to the Supreme Lord.

???:"No. I will deal with this 'fallen warrior from the depths of the galaxy' personally." he said as he was making his way to his own empire to deal personally with Y/n.









Y/n was now inside of a healing machine programmed by Tarren as Galfore was monitoring her stats.

The Medical Machine is a machine that consists of a capsule inside which the wounded are completely immersed in a strange transparent liquid, which seems to have prodigious healing qualities. The injured person is attached to electrodes (usually at both temples) to monitor his vital signs, and a respirator is applied to prevent him from drowning. Immersion in the liquid generates a very pleasant sensation of well-being, perhaps a sign that this begins to act already in the very first moments of contact with the wounds.

The treatment time varies according to the wounds, however it seems to take a few hours in the vast majority of cases. During recovery, most patients seem to fall asleep, but some others manage to remain conscious.

The use of the Medical Machine is monitored, from the outside, by doctors, or even by common warriors; it seems that a great deal of experience is not required to put it into operation. These machines are very common on both spaceships and planetary bases.

Tarren:"Will the little one recover?" he asked Galfore.

Galfore:"It was a shock. The princess never surprises me when she was young among the strongest fighters on the planet Tamaran. Surprisingly considering that she is the daughter of the King and Queen, she is a high level warrior herself. She shows that it will do her good to take a break from all the battles she has been in. When we Tamarans are brought to death we return stronger than before. At the moment her fighting strength is comparable to a solar system." he said calmly as Tarren raised his four eyes in surprise.

Tarren:"Woah, I know the girl is strong but I think it's an exaggeration. Do you mean that she is capable of destroying a solar system? This little girl? Don't take it badly, but she couldn't beat me in our fight if it weren't for the Omnitrix." he said.

Galfore:" You have experience, I would give you that. But if you saw what I saw you would change your mind. The planet Tamaran lies approximately 26 light-years from Earth in the star-system Vega . It is the eighth planet in the Vega system and the home world of the Princess and I. Tamaran is populated by us who worship the goddess X'hal . Many thousands of years ago, the Tamaranean race either migrated to Tamaran from the neighboring planet Ookara. As they made the world their own, the Tamaraneans established a planetary government that evolved into a feudal society. Each landmass was ruled by a royal family, under the dominion of which exist smaller city-states ruled by influential families.

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