Chapter 44

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If my love isn't accepted......then I'll just tear apart the world.............






Toga was still lying on the ground as she looked up to the sky...........with a creepy smile on her face...............






I can't move a muscle........I can't even lift my hand.......I'm losing to much blood......everything is going this is how it feels.......again it draws near.............








Re-Destro:" In the world of Himiko Toga.......there is nobody else......they'd say she's abnormal.....that she's a Villain......exactly whose fault was it that she turned out that way?......Such a sad story.......forever.....forcing everyone to conform and ostracizing those who can't.......even though there is no one form to conform to now!! That's the message curious wanted to convey throught that girl......The truth!!"

Tomoyasu:"She didn't need to trow herself at the front lines.......Curious was a valuable asset....."

Re-Destro:"and it's not just Curious.....each and every one of our soldiers is sacrifing themselves for the sake of the future.......humans are.......*sniff*.........such of noble beings....."

Tomoyasu:" looks like we won't be able to use....Curious's footage...the narratives don't matter how we spin it......Toga ends up becoming a tragic Heroine...that just won't do......"


Tomoyasu:"What? You don't get it? Are you asking a question? Do you want us to just tell you?.....If not then why the hell do you keep asking us 'what do you mean?' Is it your pride? You're the type that keeps repeating back everything you hear like some kind of can't make can't make connections.....your neurons are disconnected.....hell you couldn't make it from 1 to 10....without saying the same numbers in do you think you can just take the easy way out.....Ugh!!! The security cameras across town are recording the fight.....a city with no being protected from the clutches of Evil by mere civilians...even you should be able to see all the ways we could spin that!!!"

Giran:".................So you're explanning it to me after you think you can change the world? You guys are crazy......"

Re-Destro:"Those who are against us......are the ones who are seems you lack immagination after see you can't move the hearts of people without putting in your own....."










Meanwhile in the city the Vanguard was fighting against the that they don't have Shigaraki with Giganto Machia needs 1 hour and 20 minutes to get back up.....after the fight with Tomura.......and Toga isn't there to help them.......the situation was getting bad......until.........Hanabata decide to make it even telling the soldiers.....about the death of Curious by the hands of Toga..........causing the soldiers to be even ruthless than they all attack the Shigaraki at the same time........

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