Chapter 122

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The Public Hero Safety Commission member proceed to explain what happened detailed by detail what exactly has happened.

Public Hero Safety Commission member:" It all started in the period of the Silver Age. Allmight happened to have battle an opponent much above him and was sent away in a different world than our own. There he met a population of only women called the Amazons. Despite the paradise isle far from civilization, the place is far more dangerous than you think. They are immortal warriors created by the Olympian Gods. Their mission is to spread peace and justice of the Gods in our barbarian world. Determined to reconnect with the world and establish peace once again, the Amazons held a tournament to select a representative. The winner was one of their youngest, a brave once known as Diana. Her and Allmight managed to defeat such threat and became a powerful duo for quite the time." he said calmly as Mount Lady raised an eyebrow.

Mount Lady:" But?" she asked to the Public Hero Safety Commission member.

Public Hero Safety Commission member:" The Old President of the Public Hero Safety Commission was obsessed to Diana's natural capabilities, he wanted to use her DNA to create offspring of such talent to even surpass her and Allmight at the time.... When Diana became aware of that she unleashed a madness to the entire Hero Society, feeling dejected to such act towards her and left all of us for good........ We lost a valuable asset to this society for that........" he said with a sad look on his face.

Hawks just sighed as he face palmed as Dabi just shookhis head.

Hawks and Dabi:( You guys are really insensitive.....that's why everything here is a mess.....) they both thought in their heads.

Hawks:" And let me guess then you moved on.... to her right? That's why there was no background checking on her." he asked referring to Y/n.

Public Hero Safety Commission member:" We've assumed she was an inhuman just like Diana, so we didn't tell anything on the news. because we didn't want to lose another prodigy..... Well, prodigies...." he corrected himself making Hawks eyes widen.

Hawks:" Prodigies? What do you mean by that? Other than Starfire...... there's another one like her?"

???:" At this point what's the point of hiding it?" the person asked as everyone turned to see outside of the window of the office to see it was Melissa wearing an uniform with the symbol of an S on it as her father was in a mini flying jet.

???:" At this point what's the point of hiding it?" the person asked as everyone turned to see outside of the window of the office to see it was Melissa wearing an uniform with the symbol of an S on it as her father was in a mini flying jet

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Melissa:" Me and my sworn blood sister Y/n are aliens........ We're not from here, but it doesn't matter because we see this as our home aswell as you guys living on it..........." she said as she flew inside with her arms crossed, before laying her feet on the ground.

Melissa:" Despite what you guys have done.... I still want to help...... This world isn't only filled with darkness......... There's a small amount of light in it......... This alliance that you're about to make..... I'm in too........." she said with a serious expression on her face as a grin appeared on Dabi's face.

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