Chapter 70

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In Izuku's Mindscape....





Void:"To think you'd believe me to the point of using my powers to your aid is almost amusing."he said as he created a mirror and look at himself now that he has taken Izuku's look aswell as his voice.

Izuku:"VOID YOU PIECE OF SH*T!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE!!!"he yelled while he was chained.

The Void then shook his head and start grinning evilly.

Void:"This is where you are wrong, Small Might. Because you see you're not a Hero. You're me. You're a force. Y/n was right. You're part of something bigger than both of us. You're a God. These beings are beneath. Look what we have done to Shigaraki Tomura. A corpse is talking, not just any corpse , but someone related to your dad, and you know you hate your father as so do I. The sorrowful pathetic Toshinori Yagi. When tain glare at you, it wasn't because of intimidation. No, No, No, he wanted to awake your inner demons, your fear, your hatred towards this society and everything on this world. In the past, before the Earth even existed there were many gods, giants who wanted to be at the top of the world facing each other to the death, however this always resulted in the gods winning the battle, realizing there as no chance against the gods they have decided to release Corruption, me, to take the Gods down. Needles to say, it was quite easy as I easily defeated them all by my onwn and once the war was over, the Giant have one the battle, but little did they know they forgot about me as I then took that chance to sly them too. I would have  sometimes riveting dreams, featuring the Gods and pretenders, that I've slayed. Whenever it happen that will live me satisifed. Do you really think I'm capable of feeling guilt for my sins like some utterly ordinary human? I'm prone to the oddest dreams from time to time. In my dreams, those whose lives I've stolen show up to hurl abuse my way. But, here's the strangest part! Once, I transfer into a body of a mortal, these memories would've just disappeared. Bizarre, no?! Especially since I'm certainly the type to hold a grudge, myself! But my work with you revealed the root cause. Just as organs and cells house memories of sorts...every .power contains a consciousness...the individuality of its wielder, if you will. As someone who is the embodiment of Darkness to meddle with power, I've found myself in the unique position of being ble to interact with those consciousnesses."

Izuku:".............Those memories.........W-What was that?"

Void:"Just a motivation for you to keep fighting, you'll thank me later. Also, I've noticed that your body seems to constantly absorbing radiations and energy attacks, making it stronger and stronger as well as generating immense godlike power. Impressive, I think I'm going to get use to your body."

Izuku:"So, you've manipulated me, just because you always knew. From the Beginning of what I could've been capable of."

Void:"No matter how we got here, me. You can rest assured.....that you will thank me later."

Izuku:"Why not now?" he asked, before he manage to break the chains with his bare hands and then flew right at the Void.

Void:"This is my world, me. And in my world, I'm the most strongest of the two." he then start manipulating the darknes around him and tried to wrapp Izuku into tendrils.

However Izuku used his heat vision to burn the tendrils as he went to punch to Void, who easily cathced Izuku's fist.

Void:"My rule is that, I take my host will and power, your rage can't be enough to defeat me. I've slayed Gods and Giants. So don't be surprised by THIS!!!" he yelled as he then punch Izuku in the stomach with incredible speed sending him fying into the darkness.

Void:"The return of the Angel of Death, how fitting..."

???:"But, not enough."

That's when the Void turn to see the Queen of Tamaran, Luand'r and the King Myand'r in his way.

Void:"I nearly forgot about you two."

Luand'r:"Since my daughter is as obstinate as I am. We won't let you get past."

Void:"It is such a shame, that you failed on all of your people and children."

Myand'r:"We will never let you go past, you cause too much destruction. We have chosen to remain within this boy!!2 he said as he raise his hand up in the sky of the mindscape as bright light apppeared which caused Izuku to be pulled out the darkness.

Izuku then flew right at the Void as he head butted him in the face, pushing back the evil creature.

The Void then look around to see he is cornered before he started laughting.

Void:"Show me your power, Izuku Yagi!!!!"he yelled transforming back to his original form.

Then Myand'r and Luand'r raised both their hands towards the Void and before he could've do something, he was wrapped around with golden chains of light.

Void:"You fools!!! You claim you know the truth. I've seen it all, through many eyes. This incredible power that this boy holds, is being wasted. Wasted on one who could protect neither friend or teacher!! They were forced to defend him in fact!! What's more, like his father, he's given himself over to blind rage!! He finds himself weak upon these pretenders, conferring this body to someone more powerful like me will be the better choice!!!"

Luand'r:"No, it is not."

Myand'r:"Someone who exploits people like you could...what drives this boy to shed blood. He rages for the sake of others. For them, he does his best until he can do no more. This young man is possesed by a drive to save others that eclipses all common understanding. He has the will of a True Leader adn a Warrior, and we shall follow him."

Then both the Queen and the King manage to locked up the Void into a different zone of the mind scape, giving the chance to Izuku to regain consciusness and control over his body.







Izuku then opened his eyes finding himself in the real world, as he look down to see Shigaraki in his human form laying on the ground rip in half as he tried to regenerate his body parts

Izuku then fell on his knees and start panting with his injuries healing quickly.

Izuku:(Do, I have full control? No, I can still feel him in my body....)

Izuku then look down at Shigaraki body and sighed.






Meanwhile with Giganto Machia was still destroying the city as Dabi was laughing.

Dabi:"Hey, is Shigaraki still fighting Endevour?! Nice, let's prep."

Talia:"Prep for what?" she asked.

Dabi:"To tear dwon this fake Hero society, of course."Compress then turn to Toga who was very quiet.

Compress:"Are you fine Toga? You're awfully close to the edge."


Compress:"I know you've been scanning for them. Those U.A. sums you love so much! They are Heroes too."

Toga:"......Where do they draw the line? If Heroes are suppose to save people...then Jin not considered a person? Will they kill me too? That's what I want to ask......Y/b-Chan...Depending on her answer......I'll be fine." she said looking at Y/n who all of the sudden flew away from Giganto Machia.








To be continued.....

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