Chapter 136

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Meanwhile back with Y/n, the mental torture was still ongoing as she was now seen in her mindscape walking through the 9 circles Hell, completely footless and naked with injuries, bruises and dirt all over her body.

Y/n eyes were lifeless and her once beutiful red curly hair were messier and full of dirt.

Y/n was seen holding herself and shaking in fear as laughter and screams of pain were heard all over hell.

She then felt a something grabbing on her foot and it is revealed to be no other than Nana Shimura  in a undead state looking at her straight in the eyes.

Undead Nana:" You couldn't even keep your promise......" she said before she crawled up to Y/n with amazing speed and pulled her down in the depths of hell.









In the real world, Y/n's eyes were glowing bright red meaning that she was under effect of the mind control as she was becoming more and more skinnier and grey.

???:" Would you look at that......... You're not putting up that tough act no more are you.......... Starfire? This my problem with your kind, you act all tough because you think that someone will come rescue you. This is a dog eat dog in here, you should have understand it by now. After all it's my job teaching brats like you the importance of life." he said with his usual twisted smile.









Y/n was now seen floating in a dark place inside of a green orb in fetal position begging to die.

Y/n:( Kill me..... Kill me........) she thought in her head.

???:" I can't do that......." a voice said as Izuku was trying to reach her.

The creature then appeared behind Izuku and wrapped his claws around his neck.

???:" You will choose to either act or I'll kill him..... Come on deep down in your earth you still love him..... Do you want me to rephrase that?" the voice said taunting Y/n as she was trying to break free from the green orb and trowing punches at it in attempt to break it.

Izuku:" W-What's going on Y/n? W-What is this?" he asked in fear.

The creature then took the shape of Shigaraki and started grinning seeing the look of desperation.

Shigaraki:" Awww, is not motivating enough for you? Well, then........." he said as he snapped his fingers revealing Mina and Kirishima wrapped into tendrils begging for Y/n to help.

Y/n anxiety started worsening as her punches prove nothing to destroy the green orb that was holding her inside.

Shigaraki:" COME ON ACT AS AN HERO!!!!! SHOW US YOUR GOLDEN HEART!!!! SHOW US!!! SHOW US!!! SHOW US!!! SHOW US!!!!!!" he yelled as half his face turned into Izuku as Y/n started holding her head and trembling fear.

Shigaraki/Izuku:" SHOW US!!!! SHOW US!!! SHOW US!!!! SHOW US!!!!!" the creature yelled as an entire public then appeared from the darkness saying the same stuff as the creature was just saying.

My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα