Chapter 120

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Bakugou was now seen making his way lower and deeper in the hide out as he was starting to hear the sound screatching and yelling that didn't sound human at all.








Inside of the hide-out's lab a group was now seen starring at two healing pods containing purple liquid.

Katsuki was looking at the group with a frown on his face from the top stairs railings.

Katsuki:( 'The hell is this? A lab? Who are those guys, I can't see well...... What is that thing? From the shape it looks like an human? It doesn't seem just mechanical? It's a living creature........ Is it some sort of cyborg? How much time was it needed to built up something like that?) he thought in his head in shock that one of the members of the group revealed himself to be some sort of Cybernatic Lifeform.

???:" Listen up, everyone.............. I want you to greet a new arrival............. I know what you may think at first......... But I really do think, he could be of good aid for us........... And I mean for all of us in this planet..............." he said calmly.

- Kyudai Garaki, The Doctor of the Injustice League -

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- Kyudai Garaki, The Doctor of the Injustice League -

Kyudai then did a 360° head turn and with his high tech eyesight managed to quickly detect Katsuki's pressence as the other members of the group were starring at Kyudai.

Meanwhile Bakugou grunt in pain as he gulped.

Bakugou:( Sh*t!!!) he thought in his head in shock at how easily he got detected.









Inside of a cave in a forest, revealing to be an high tech secret hideout, Kaminari was now sleeping on a bed before being hit in the back of the head by Jiro's earphone jack.

Jiro:" Oi, Are you gonna wake up? It's morning already. Oi!!!!" she said to Kaminari with a stern look on her face.

Kaminari then groan in annoyence before he got off the bed and scratched the back of his head.

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