Chapter 89

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Izuku was now engaging with a fight against Lady Nagant, who has revealed her cybernetic form which was based on Y/n as a way to piss the young man.

Izuku:"You all want to get in my nerves, good that's last thing you should have asked!!!!!"

Lady Nagant then punches Izuku across the face, causing to push back Izuku a little as he started grinning, before wipping the blood of his lips.

Izuku:"Okay.....but, the real Y/n hits harder."he then punches her across the face sending her flying as Izuku flew right back at her and then gave her an upper cut to the chin.

However Lady Nagant just took the blow to the chin as she started cracking her neck.

Izuku:"What the....."

Lady Nagant:"There is no place for you in this new world, Izuku Yagi. You have the ability to leave this planet and start your life again elsewhere. I suggest you to take the opportunity"

Izuku:"Uh...Uh....about that...." he then flew straight for her, grabbed her and then start flying higher in the sky.

Izuku then start punching Lady Nagant over and over and over.

Izuku then gave her one last punch sending her flying into space.

Izuku then start panting as green aura start irradiating from his body as his eys were glowing bright green.

Izuku:"I think the answer is pretty clear." he then flew right into space just to check if she was dead.









Izuku was now looking each direction of space, but seemed not to have finded her.

Izuku:( I doubt I send her flying in the sun, she's made of some strong metal. The blows I have given her weren't at full force, yet. The best way to kill a lion is to shot it from a long distance. I'm going to take my distances, knowing that she's partially just a cybernatic being she must have detected my strentgh level....)

The all of the sudden a bunch of metalic wires wrapped around Izuku's neck as they were starting to choking him.

Lady Nagant:"Oh? You went to see if I was dead? How sweet...You think you've won? I'm not spilling anything. The Safety Commission taught me everything to know about you..."

Izuku:"W-Wait? W-What? I thought you were w-working for All For One. Y-You know he's plotting to take over everything, right? I-I thought the Safety Commission was on the Heroes side."

Lady Nagant:"All you're seeing is that phony sense of order they've manufactured. No wonder people tinged by it can't understand the truth. You're a Omega Level Threat, classified as Power Level 10+. A Sub Skyfather (Tier 3). At the very least star system to multi-star system + busting. Is a galatic scale threat. but not an actual galaxy buster."

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