Chapter 139

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Guy Gardner was now on his knees severly beaten as Omega Spawn was standing over him.

Guy Gardner:( What the hell?....... His power is so massive...... I can feel myself getting crushed....... What is this? Respect? Fear? Terror? No, it's different...... more of a mixed feeling......I've felt this before....... Aaah, I know what it is....... Awe...........) he thought on his head before falling face on the ground being the last Green Lantern standing.

Guy Gardner:( He's too much...... Even all us combined didn't even do nothing......... He's a monster out of this world........ This is why they said to never mess with the Multiverse....... It's full of entities that you don't know what limit they have.......) he thought on his head as being him stood the corpse of the Green Lantern, who got their souls taken by Omega Spawn.

Guy Gardner:( If no one stops him..... Existence will be doomed........ If only I had the power to do something.........) he thought in his head as Omega Spawn then picked him up by the hair and proceeded to rip it off completely.

Omega Spawn then opened his mouth revealing razor teeth and proceeded to  start chewing Guy Gardner's head and then swallow it.

Omega Spawn:" What a great feast I have gotten, my lord. The Green Lanterns......... No, all lanterns have been eliminated........." he communicated to Izuku that he ended his side of the mission.

Omega Spawn then pressed his hand on the living planet and proceeded to make it explode.









On planet Earth, in the secret high tech lab, Mahoro was seen comforting Eri as Kota clentched his fists in anger holding the tears that were about to come out his eyes.

Katsuma had a sad look on his face as he looked at the high tech screen to see human lives decreasing faster than you can expect.










Meanwhile with Izuku he was now watching everyone falling to desperation and deaths happening with a blank expression on his face.

Izuku:" They were born too soon for the world to have them there........ Those children are different........ And I don't just mean the way they look...... There's no hope of them resonating with the Golden Age........ They're not even Golden or Silver Age........ They are the lowest of the low......." he said as he made sure that the children and adults heard his words from planet Earth.








Nejire was in shock at how Izuku wanted to cut ties with his adopted daughter Eri and let her die and the other children that didn't do nothing wrong.





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