Chapter 107

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Xylene was in shock as she saw Y/n in her full transformation.

Xylene was in shock as she saw Y/n in her full transformation

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Xylene:( H-How is it possible. S-She's already beyond any level seen before..... But how?! From what kind of world is she from to have achieved so much power that is even beyond a Tok'ustar?!? W-Wait....... w-was 'he' right after all?!? Is this becoming reality? Could it possibly be?! She's the warrior of legend that has appeared after the creation of the Universe?! Is She The World Destroyer? Fire and life incarnate into one being?!? Did she came back?!?) she thought in her head in shock.

Y/n:"........ Thankfully, I held back my punch so it wouldn't have been too much........ Now, that he's out there's only you left............. my dear Guardian........... Asking you why you're doing this would be quite foolish.......... So, what I'll do would be simply put you out of commission......." she said calmly to Galfore.

Tsuna:( Like that?!? S-She's talking as if it's something easy for her to do!! We couldn't even manage to handle Tarren............ do you think the other guy is a joke?!? He's probably much stronger than you think. Either it was just a lucky punch or maybe you're.......No.) he thought in his head as he wouldn't believe that Y/n was planning on taking down Galfore on her own.

Bullock was quite as he was planning to see the match that was about to happen between Y/n and Galfore.

Galfore then speed blitz at the speed of light right behind Y/n and went to punch her as Y/n simply turned and tanked the punch as if it was nothing right in the face.

Y/n:"I knew you wouldn't have back down." she said calmly as she moved Galfore punch away from her face and then she powered down to her base form, much to everyone surprise as the wondered what she was planning to do now that she has powered down.

Y/n:"I don't even need that form to deal with you, that would be what Friend Mina would say....... the word 'Overkill'." she said calmly as she was planning on taking on Galfore in base form.

Galfore was about to trow another punch, however Y/n landed a simple headbutt on his chest armor cracking it and sending Galfore flying at the speed of light.

Y/n then flew right infront of Galfore and created a bunch of after images of herself, creating a sphere around Galfore.

After doing such a thing she started striking Galfore multiple times, causing the armor to crack more and more.

Y/n then charge a starbolt and blasted the mind controlled Galfore with a energy sphere right in the stomach sending Galfore flying down and crash straight against the ground of the planet making a massive crater.

Y/n then pointed her left hand and start sending starbolts beams at the massive crater over and over and over.

Tsuna and Xylene were in pure shock.

Tsuna:( L-Like that?! Those two gave us a lot of trouble before beuty came to the rescue!! I-I don't understand this......... When we first met her level was atleast comparable to that of a Star..........Now.......... Now she's........ Now she's beyond everyone here........) he thought in his head shock at what he was witnessing.

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