Chapter 100

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Barda was now standing on top of a rock looking beneath her to see Y/n in her battle armor standing, looking up to her with a calm look on her face.

Barda:" Come at me. If you plan on running, you'll be nothing more than a coward. I won't even be able to look you in the eyes. Don't let your emotions take the best of you during combat. Don't show your weaknesses to your opponent, because the day he/she'll knock on your door to kill your people all you're going to do is start crying and whining. I don't want any of that. " she ordered Y/n.

Y/n all of the sudden disappeared leaving an after image of herself as Barda had a neutral look on her face.

Barda:"Striking from the back I see." she said with a calm tone as she made a superhuman jump in the air avoiding getting blasted by Y/n.

Barda then moved so fast that she left an after image in the air as Y/n was too late to land a second blast.

Y/n eyes then turned pupiless as Barda landed a side gut punch and pushed her fist deeper in Y/n's gut.

Barda:"Concentration." she said as Y/n then got sent flying at the speed of light in the sky.

Y/n then cough blood out of her mouth, before she started spinning, raised both of her hands and blasted her way back to Barda.

Y/n then flew massively faster than light and tried to punch Barda, who saw that coming and moved her head avoiding Y/n's punch and grabbed Y/n by the back of her head, pulled her down by force and kneel her straight on the face.

Y//n however took that opportunity to grab onto Barda leg and went to twist her ankle.

Barda eyes widen as she elbowed Y/n on the back of head multiple times after realizing what the young Tamaranean Princess was trying to do.

Y/n ended up letting go after receiving many blows on the back of the head and taking that opportunity that Y/n let go off her Barda used her Mega-Rod and striked Y/n on the chin.

Barda then landed  a powerful kick to Y/n's stomach sending her flying and crashed straight on the ground.

Y/n was now laying in a big crater with her eyes closed and badly injured from the damage she receive.

Barda then jumped towards a mountain, shattering it in half as she picked up half of it and trew it towards the unconscious Y/n in attempting of crushing her.

Y/n then opened her eyes but she was too much confused by what was happening as something large was coming down her way, but couldn't see well as her vision was blurry as she felt extremely weak.

Barda:( You look at me like a monster a bloodthirsty beast....... But you do understand now..... How it feels to be weak? Do you understand what's like not to be able to protect your own against an enemy that is far too dangerous?) she thought in her head.

The Half of the mountain was then split in half before exploding into many pieces as Barda then tilted her head.

Y/n was now floating in the air with a fiery aura sorrounding her and a menacing look on her face.

Y/n:"I have no choice........ It's kill or be killed......I-I'm sorry, but you asked for this." she said as Barda looked at Y/n with a frown on her face.

Y/n then shoot a massive starbolt at the speed of light as Barda was fast enough to barely jumped out the way as the energy beam caused a massive explosion to happen in the place where they were training as a bright light then flashed, causing Barda to covered herself as everything turned white.

When Barda opened up her eyes, she was shocked by the disaster that was caused from Y/n's power.

When Barda opened up her eyes, she was shocked by the disaster that was caused from Y/n's power

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