Chapter 130

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Staring down the Kryptonian...... The Queen of Tamaran known as Komand'r tells the traveller that she has heard she comes from another planet. Even for herself, that's quite the curiosity.

Komand'r:" What's your story? What brings you to this place?" she asked to Melissa.

Melissa then got straight to the point.

Melissa:" I have no time to lose with your 'stories'. I have come here for-" she was then interrupted by Komand'r who spoke up.

Komand'r:" Listening to, or telling a story is never a waste of time......... Is it?" she asked with a dark aura coming out of her body and a forced smile on her face, which caused many Tamaranean warriors to look away in fear.

Melissa:"................... In that case, tell me yours. I had never seen  palace built this high." she said calmly, not fearing Komand'r threats.

Komand'r:" There is a reason for that. Our people have not always known peace........ I don't know about the history of your planet. But in ours we ruled through submission and violence. Survival of the fittest....... Nothing mattered, but strength......... I was once an ordinary soldier driven by my own thirst for battle and power........ In the Primitive Age we were just a wild race of beings....... Our only essence being battles............ We were completely out of our minds....... There were ancestral tales from our planet referred to a ' Flaming Bird' that originate our powers, but it seems that over time few of us possessed power..... The Primal Power........ Eventually the people would become divided. So, my grandfather provided...... by bringing us back together. Even non pure blooded Tamaraneans would join us in an inter species alliance. Because of this interbreeding, we were able to stand up to the most powerful of opponents. In the beginning, he was a simple army general adhering to the first King ideals and merely supporting him in his decisions. But through unparalleled loyalty, he was able to rise through rans and would be recognized as the right hand man of their King. The Years passed and from battlefield to battlefield. He saw his brothers and sisters in arms killed one after another..... While his loyalty to the King only grew stronger..... He was used to seeing violence....... But this was...... It was one too many......A fiend from the Citadel Empire hated the King more than the demons themselves. More than his own beasts.......... He was always the eternal runner up. Always falling short as the Kind had beaten him again and again......... But sparing his life each time only crushed and maddened the warrior more..... The release of death was infinitely better alternative in his eyes...... He couldn't bare it......... Though night and day, my grandfather Korithus would hunt him, driven by his own hate for him...... but to his amazement...... the relief he so coveted by killing the Citadel warrior was ultimately an illusion........... But shoving his fist in to his stomach didn't fill the void he felt..... When removing it......... He saw nothing...... but the emptiness of an endless tunnel...... This shape, which has been engraved into his memory, about the Sun...... Which gave him the idea to build the palace in which the royal family currently reside...... The Palace of Tamaran....... Since the previous King of the planet had not sired any offspring and because his own hierarchical position, his people voted unanimously for my grandfather to succeed him. Even today, I can't look myself in the mirror without thinking how glad we made it this far with him. When my father then came to power, he vowed to perpetuate the ideals of the former of 1st King, to pt an end to all these childish wars and reunite their camps. When I'm going to be receiving the crown I'll rememer that oath and stick to it. ' A Warrior who fails to stand by their convictions is a usurper'. I'm telling you this because I think I know why you came here... But your ambitions will be without the Tamaraneans.......... You have to leave......" she said earning nothing but a smile on Melissa face.

Melissa:" I'm starting to understand. You're afraid of death." she said while pointing at her with a cocky smile on her face.

This caused many guards to be even more worried as Komand'r left eye twitches.

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