Chapter 146

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Izuku was now seen looking at Y/n letting a lot of power with a bored expression on his face.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" Hmmm.........." he then summoned his White Eastern Dragon and absorb him so that he could've gained even more power than he already had.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:" Don't do that........." he said as Y/n ended getting teleported right infront of him.

Izuku grabbed her by the troath, Y/n started choking as Izuku was looking at her with a stern expression on his face.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:" Why do I have to be the one to lose? It's unfair? Because its the writing that says it?" he asked her as he then twisted her head making her do a 360°.

Y/n eyes widen as she felt the life leaving her body.

Y/n[ Dragon Phoenix]:( It feels like my whole body is about to break just facing him. How many seconds, can I hold out?) she thought in her head before Izuku spoke up.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:" If you weren't the same deal as me. This would've likely killed you." he said as it appeared as if he can also read her thoughts, actually he read her thoughts the entire time they were fighting.

The scenario then cut to Y/n who appeared as if she didn't have a damage on her. This made her shocked as she touched her troath not having the feeling that Izuku shattered it just a moment ago.

Y/n body was seen trembling as Izuku was just standing there as if he didn't do nothing just that moment ago.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:" Why do you fight when you're so terrified? Why do you risk your life for those who are only a burden to you? Do you really think you can change eveything? When you're so scared?" he asked her almost as if he was mocking her ideals and dreams.

Y/n's body was shaking before she calm down and starred at Izuku dead in the eyes.

Y/n[ Dragon Phoenix]:" They're not a burden, they were desperately trying to save their worlds and you showed them no mercy. How can I turn a blind eye? Did you notice that I was scared? Well, then that's true. I know that at this point you've reached your door. But running away is more embaressing that being scared. Nothing is useless, even my fear and the mortals that you treated as a burden and abandoned. Well, someone like you who bases his relationships solely on gain and loss would never understand. You can laugh all you want." she said.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:( She's clearly not on her true form, but she seems threating.) he thought in his head with a blank expression on his face.

Izuku[ God of Gods]:" Allright then, come. But, before of that..." he said with a bored expression on his face.

Izuku then proceeded to unlock another form of Y/n.

Y/n let out a burst of white light as her body.

Y/n was in shock as she felt much more stronger than before.

Y/n was in shock as she felt much more stronger than before

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