Chapter 72

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Shortly after deploying to stop Giganto Machia, Nejire and Tenya were now going to the zone of where Izuku had fought Shigaraki Tomura.

Nejire:"Hey, Ingenium. Why did you come with us again?"

Tenya:"I'm fully prepared to accept punishment for violating orders!! But three of my classmates...ran off and haven't returned! And one of them...taught me a valuable lesson....he his a dear friend of mine!"




Izuku was now looking down at Shigaraki's body slowly regenerating.

Izuku:"Tomura Shigaraki.....he is still alive. Even after I ripped his body in half his heartbeat is still beating...fascinating."

Shigaraki:" must retreat.....Y-You're not.....the boss....of me...."

Izuku then raised an eyebrow, before he felt someone incoming and he used his super sight to see that Nejire and Tenya were coming this way.

Nejire:"" she then stopped flying once she saw Shigaraki's ripped in half.

Tenya:"Y-You've killed him?!?"he said surprise by what Izuku have done.

Izuku:"No, unfourtunately I didn't,  his body possess a great amount of healing factor, however I manage to drain his energy to the point where he is no longer capable of assuming that transformation he once had."

Tenya:"R-Right, anyway!!! A Giganti Villain is making his way here!!! We've informed the Heroes fighting the Nomu over there!!"

Izumi then flew down, holding Shoto.

Izumi:"Tenya!! Izuku, Giganto Machia is coming over here!!!!!"

Izuku then look over to Shigaraki's body.

Izuku:"I have to.....I have a plan actually. I going to grab this sh*t and make that dumbass giant come after me! So you guys, can get your asses out of here. His healing has slowed down.....he's seriously weakened, now."

Shigaraki:"So many little maggots......crawling around."





Meanwhile back with Y/n and Toga a battle was now happening as Toga, who got amped by the Shie Hassakai drug giving her superhuman strenght, speed, stamina and durability was keeping up with Y/n and manage to trow her aside crashing into another building.

Toga:"Sorry, Y/n-Chan, but.....I'm way stronger than you now." she said with a wide smile.

Y/n then emerged from the house with an angry look on her face.

Y/n:( She is strong, but the drug as the detective Naomasa said it would eventually get away, so I just need to buy the time.) she thought in her head.

Toga then smiled at Y/n.

Toga:"Listen Y/n-Chan. When I think about the people I love....I wanna become them. This desire to take all their blood for myself gushes up till I just can't stand it." she said with a wide smile.

Y/n then flew straight  at Toga and manage to punch her straight in the face, knocking her into the sky.

Toga then cough blood from her mouth as Y/n flew straight at her again, and start punching her.

Toga, then manage to catch one of Y/n's fist and get behind her holding her into a choke hold

Toga:"I get all emotional just thinking about it. That's how I am. But other people aren't like that. It's so hard for me to live like this. This one nasty lady said my 'normal' life was sad and miserable. And then guess what?!? She tried to kill me. So you know what I did Y/n-Chan? I used Izuku's blood and his impale her and drop her body from way up high. I don't understand why when I tried many times to use your blood, I couldn't used your powers. Maybe, you are a special case."

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