Chapter 91

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Back at the laboratory as soon as Ruben was about to stick the sirenge on Y/n's neck, all of the sudden it just melted as soon as it made contact with her skin.

Thesea:"Interesting, she burns like a Pyronite. Okay, now we know she's not human, she's one of us. Come on, come on free her."

However as soon as he said that, Y/n broke free from her chains herself as she start cracking her neck and got off the laboratory table.

Y/n:"See protectors of this planet, now that you know that I am not human, and if you try something like this again, you will pay for it. How about chatting over a cup of tea and lozenges if you don't mind?" she asked.

Thesea:"You are very clever and insightful 'Starfire'. You see, our Lord was not born on this planet. He had come here looking for something, he was looking for ..... utopia. An intact paradise, devoid of those contrasts that have so sadly marked his existence, but he was very wrong. Instead of the new world he found the same evils from which he was desperately trying to escape from a lifetime. Greed, Selfishness, Violence and Hatred. The evils of men. Eventually he came to a bitter conclusion. If he wanted to have his own paradise, he had to build it for himself. It took decades, millions of aid and many failures, but after all his efforts, his perfect society is almost satisfied. Admire the magnificence of his works, Starfire, Big cities, spirals of glorious technology that reach the sky. Inhabited by the noblest and most perfect creatures, we supreme beings. Intergalactic warriors, stronger, faster, freer from the weaknesses of the primitive human mind. Every brick, every circuit, every single cell that exists in this world and exclusively because it was our Lord who created it. Welcome to the planet Siren, I hope she does not disturb our peace of mind, you are a stranger, we have never seen a genre of your type. What planet are you from?"

Y/n:"Princess of the planet Tamaran. It is found in the star-system of Vega."she said as General Tiger then start checking up from his high tech computers.

Thesea :"No, there isn't any info regarding this planet on our computers. And not even about the 'star-sytem of Vega'."

Y/n then looked down in sadness as Tsuna then tapped her shoulder.

Tsuna:"Do not worry my lady. It does not matter where are you from. You're welcome to this planet."

Thesea :"The actions of our opponent ... I mean former opponent have already been quite noble and courageous ... and I wish it were possible to say the same of ours too."he said.

Y/n then smiled before grabbing Tsuna's hand from hsi shoulder and then trew him aside like a foot ball.

Tsuna ended up crashing into the wall as his head remained stuck.

General Tiger, Bullock and Ruben eyes widen as Y/n then start cracking her her fists.

Y/n:"I told you I was strong."she then removed the chip she had in the back of her neck.

Y/n then charge a starbolt from her left hand and then trew it at the ground causing a hole to appear as a lot smoke to come out.

Y/n then took that chance to fly into the hole which led her to fly out of the big space ship.

Y/n:"This is for trying to use me as an experiment !!!!!!!"

Y/n then flew far away from there.






As Y/n was flying she then start looking for a place where she could've hide and decided that the best options is to stay in the lowest part of the cities where the humans live.

Y/n was now staying in an abandoned building as she then sit down on the floor and sighed.

Y/n:"What a beautiful escape. Roller coasters are a breeze in comparison. I have to admit that those four are really smart, a lot of potential, a good team. It reminds me a little of mine. Anyway, for the meantime it will be better not to be reviewed up there. I don't want to be ... studied. Why am I never able to be in peace and serenity?" she said before all of the sudden she heard voices coming from down the building as she then approach the broken window to see a bunch of human children playing together until a ball happened to be trown at one of the androids, causing the android to turn towards one of the children.





Android:"Danger .... Danger ...... enemy sighted." he said as he pointed an energy beam towards the child.

???:"No!! Stay away from me !!!!" the child yelled.

Android:"Target aimed. Danger I must eliminate the target. Eliminate, Eliminate...Eliminate!!"

Then before the android could've done something, it got blasted by a green energy beam exploding into pieces as the child got blown away.

The child then look up to where the beam was aimed at as Y/n just hide inside of the building not saying nothing.





Y/n then sighed before all of the sudden she felt a presence behind her as she turn and grabbed the figure from the shadows.

Y/n then aimed at fist at the figure until her eyes widen as she let go off the tall figure as tears almost came out her eyes.

Y/n then aimed at fist at the figure until her eyes widen as she let go off the tall figure as tears almost came out her eyes

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Galfore:" P-Princess?!?!"

Y/n:"Galfore?!?! W-What are you doing here?!?!"

Galfore:"I lived here....for a while......W-What are you doing here?! Did they found you too?"

Y/n:"............I......wait did the Gordonians.......sent you on this planet....aswell."she asked him.

Galfore:"Yes, it seems that instead of wanting to take us out. They want to ....... send us to other universes, to see how we interact with the other forces of those worlds ...... it's a kind of test ........ an experiment. This is definitely not the place to talk.For a princess this is definitely no place for you, this dump. "he said as he grabbed her hand as Galfore then trew a high tech disc which manage to open a portal.

Y/n:"If I have a place to stay for a while .... then I rely on you."

Galfore:"As you always shall do....." he said with a smile.

Y/n then smiled back and thought about one thing.

Y/n:( Sooner or later I will somehow come back to you Izuku, you can be sure.) she thought before entering the portal with Galfore.






To be continued....

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