Chapter 119

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Bakugou was now laying in a hospital bed covered with his upper body covered in bandages as he the got up the bed and groan in pain.

Bakugou:( Where's this? I guess I survived that after all, my memory is kinda hazy........) he said before he noticed a letter laying on a table as he picked it up.

' Welcome to our hideout. If you're reading this, you've been saved from the brink of death. You can thank us for that. Keep that in mind as you take your time to rest in this room without breaking into a rampage, if you please. 

Even if you did break out, you'd immidiatly be targeted on the spot. You need a safe place. We've prepared a change of clothes for you, so help yourself.'

Bakugou then scoffed as he turned the letter into a paper ball and used his explosion to burn it completely.

Bakugou:( The pain........... Damn my whole body hurts like hell........... my limbs all feel heavy, and it feels like my head is about to burst........ My troat is parched and food. I got to eat something with some substance to it. That's right I was fighting the Hero Killer Stain and blew his head off. The Villains are still one pain in the ass.) he  thought in his head as he dressed up with a pair of clothes that were given for him.

Bakugou then kicked the door of the hospital right open sending it flying into a wall as he peeked left and right the hallways of the abandoned hospital.

Bakugou then started walking his way in the hallway of the abandoned hospital.

Bakugou:( Am  sure if he's even gone............ Was I really able to beat him? Not that I care anyway as long as he stops chasing me........... the air here feels stagned and reeks of blood...... I feel like I'm gonna barf just being here...... and it's so quiet that my ears are ringing.......... is this the hideout?) he thought in his head.









Meanwhile back in one of the cities of Japan, Some of the Pro-Heroes were now begging for their lives after being overwhelmed.

Pro- Hero 1:" Forgive us!!! We'll never defy any of you again!!! Just this once....... Let it go!!! Please!!!!" he yelled in fear.

Pro- Hero 2:" You can do whatever you want with the civilians...... We're just in this for the money!!!!!" he begged.

Pro- Hero 3:" That's right we'll hand over everything we've earned to you guys so please....... please don't eat us!!!!" she begged.

Pro-Hero 4:" Please don't kill me!!!!!!" she begged in tears aswell as the others for their lives to be sparred.

The Creature was a giant white evil Kitsune, even called Nogitsune, with sharp teeth and wide smile across the face.

The Creature was a giant white evil Kitsune, even called Nogitsune, with sharp teeth and wide smile across the face

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