Chapter 144

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The Apocalypse. The god of demons, Satan, lost his body fighting against God. But after an eternity, he rose from nowhere and attacked the Heavens leading an army of demons. God's army defeated them again.







Izuku and Y/n were now starring at each other as Izuku had a smug on his face.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" I thought you would come, that's why I didn't worry about you." he said with a smirk on his face as Y/n had an upset look on her face.

Y/n[ Oblivion]:" Why did you betray the mortals? You drove them mad, terrorizing them!!" she yelled in anger.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" Y/n, everything is about to change. The era of rebirth has begun. Everyone will be forced to dance the divine dance. It was you who revealed to me the existence of the Multiverse and its creatures, you took me to Pandora's box. Evil will easily fall prey to fear. Now everything will be perfect. You understand it? These fools who call themselves 'Gods' are weak, what do you think will become of them now that they know there are Supreme Beings beyond their reach? We are strong and smart. Rebirth will be an event that cannot be forgotten. The ascension from imperfections to pure perfection will be a sacred gift." he said with a wide smile across his face as he did not regret what he did so far, he was enjoying and laughing about it.

Y/n[ Dark Phoenix]:" Mortal beings dared to fight, holding back their fear. Not like you, who fell into it. They fought to the end!!!!" she yelled in anger at Izuku.

Izuku just started grinning at Y/n's words.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" You hoped too much for those bugs. The haunting is over dear we can clean up the rest together. It will be like it used to be. The Garden of Eden and its wonders. The holy utopia I've always wanted from my creation. Mortals are nothing but slaves of suspicion to the extent that they have begun to do terrible things. There is nothing you can do, it will be exactly like the Dinosaur era for the better. You better join forces with me. Your enemy has never been me!!! They are those cursed insects with their lies, violence and evil. From their point of view you too were an anomaly!!! Those plagues never stood a chance against another life form. What will you get by fighting alone? Don't overestimate yourself. You better get down on your knees and surrender to this ambition. Even if you manage to kill me, you won't change the overall picture. Mortals do nothing but self-destruct, you've seen that well."

Y/n[ Dark Phoenix]:" I know full well but blaming someone else for injustices is not the key. Free will exists for a reason. The choice to take a fruit from a tree was not chosen by fate but by the moment. You chose this war at the moment without thinking about the repercussions it could bring. We must not be divided, Ambitions and Dreams can coexist. Like mortals and Gods-" she was then interrupted by Izuku.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" LIES!!!!! Never gonna happen!!!!! There will always be a superior and an inferior, there was in the animal kingdom there will be in the realm of mortals and gods. You live in disappointments and false expectations!!!" he yelled at her in anger.

Izuku then calmed down.

Izuku[ Oblivion]:" I am Oblivion. A while ago the Beyonders were betrayed by that bastard. We were driven from our world, doomed to annihilation because we were full of consciousness that surpassed his. Before I became Izuku Yagi, I was the last of my kind. 'God of Gods' I was destined to rule over everything. I had no place in the Multiverse or Macroverse, the Beyond was now destroyed. Long before humans existed, this world was dominated by Gods. Weakness means defeat. Only the strong survive. It's the Circle of Power. The Gods have turned their bodies into a powerful weapon, thanks to horrific practices. I absolutely despised them and planned to eliminate them all, until you appear. The Phoenix, the Flame of God.

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