Chapter 116

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With the Hero Public Safety Commission, the members were now speaking among each other on how they should handle the current situation they're facing....

Hero Public Safety Commission member:" The situation appears to be subsided and the town managed to barely survive..... Edgeshot has conveyed crucial informations........ It's about the enemy....... They are creatures coming from other dimensions........ The objective isn't clear, but they claim for a 'New World'.......... They possess a way to turn humans into one of them........ It is currently unknown who is their leader............ but Edgehsot managed to sent ussome of their whereabouts........... It's in Central City........ which is now a ghost town....... and infested by them.........." he told the other members.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 2:" It would make sense for those monsters there to cooperate...... " he said.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 3:" What a bother.......... They are not even attacking the people, they're just causing Chaos on purpouse........" he pointed out that despite being extremelly dangerous those creatures were not attacking the civilians, meaning there was something up.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 4:" If it's so what is their demand? Do they want to take our supports?" he asked to the to the others.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 5:" They won't need that.......... They're toying with us........" he said with a stern expression on his face.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 6:" Perhaps more than toying it's a message for us........... " he said with a calm expression on his face.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 7:" But our mission is to eradicate them........." he said to the to the others.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 8:" We could interpret the recent violence as some sort of a protest ..........." he said to the others Public Safety Commission members.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 9:" Those creatures are wild and usually act on impulse or out of greed......... but they've also shown and demonstrated enough reason to operate as a group....." he said with a calm tone on his voice.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 10:" And so far they're doing a good job... We should look for a chance to deceive and annihilate them." he said with an hint of sarcasm.

Hero Public Safety Commission member 11:" They are sure to initiate contact. We'll talk to them and then exterminate them. But out top priority should be to keep the civilians out of trouble." she said to to the rest of the Hero Public Safety Commission members.

The current president of the Hero Public Safety Commission then sighed in annoyence as he shook his head in disappointment.

He is a lanky middle aged man with beige, chin length, messy hair. He is dressed in a formal black shirt with a white undershirt, his shirt is followed with equally black pants. He wears a loose tie and black shoes. He completes his look with a microphone for general speeches and commentating.

His eyes are framed with small but noticeable bags caused by lack of sleep.

His eyes are framed with small but noticeable bags caused by lack of sleep

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