Chapter 129

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A small pick up truck scuttles down the road, debris of Musutafu City scattered in most parts. It slows to a stop in front of the house former of Pro-Hero Death Arms, who was now inside of his house drinking beer and ruining himself after the War between the Heroes and the Villains as he felt that he couldn't accomplish nothing and ever since Izuku declared war to everyone, he just wanted to accept how things were going down, seeing useless the attempts to make the world better.

In his now ruined living room there were pictures of all of the Heroes, ripped and shattered aswell as the one he had taken with Kamui Woods and Mount Lady.

Death Arms was just looking at the TV with no connection at all with a sad and broken look on his face.

Death Arms then heard a knocking on his door as he got up despite being barely able to walk due to his drunkness and open up the door to see it was the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission at his door.

Death Arms just scoffed as Yokumiru spoke up.

Yokumiru:" Death Arms........ I know, this is not a right moment at all....... but, We need to talk...." he said as Death Arms allowed the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission to enter his ruined house.












Meanwhile with Melissa she was now travelling the new combine Universes in search of powerful allies to aid her and the rest of the Heroes on planet Earth as she managed to track down a planet, which was quite familiar to her.

Melissa then entered the atmosphere of the planet and checked out the buildings and technology.

Melissa:( This is advanced technology.......... Let's get a good look.......) she thought in her head as she then used X-Ray and detected a large amount of population in the planet in a matter of seconds.

However her curiousity got interrupted by a spear behind aimed on the back of her neck.

Guard:" Who are you? You're not from here..." he said with an aggressive tone.

Melissa then sighed as quickly disarmed the Guard and smack him across his helmet so hard she launched him far away and hit a mountain causing a massive explosion.

However this was a grave mistake as other guards, detected her presence and started sorrounding her completely.

Guard 2:" If you were looking for a fight, you're in for a treat!" she warned her, causing Melissa to tilt her head a little and was looking at the guard barely seeing her face.

Melissa:" Your face...... is familiar.........." she said as she felt quite familiar with the Guard, despite not knowing her.

Guard 3:" Well if you know who we are. You shouldn't have struck down one of ours......" he told Melissa

Melissa:" Which system is this?" she asked to one of the guards.

Guard 4:" It's the Vega System.........." she told Melissa.

Melissa then put an hand to her chin and started thinking carefuly about the word the guard just said......... Vega System.....

Melissa eyes then widen as she realized in what planet she had just lay her feet in, it was planet Tamaran.

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