Chapter 71

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A jet was now flying in the air to rescue the civilians..

Civilian:"Are we not there yet?!? Kindly ensure we arrive within the next 5 minutes!!"

Pilot:"Not happening! It's not like we're Hawks or Mirko! And standing while we're flying at the top speed is dangerous, so please sit down! Especially since you're not back to full health yet."

Civilian 2:"At this very moment, countless lives are being lost! Nothing else, matters, so dont change the subject!!"

Pilot:"I'm just trying to show my concern, here!!"




Meanwhile back in the city, the Heroes were now dealing with the Giganto Machia situation as the giant was tearing everything apart.

Pro-Hero:"Our target is currently passing through Nabato City at 100 kilometers per hour!"

Pro-Hero 2:"Huh?!? Isn't that way too fast?!?"

Pro-Hero 3:"More, like way too big!!!"

Pro-Hero 4:"Not to mention indestructibile!"

Pro-Hero 5:"He's tossing aside buildings with massive mole-like claws!! All that flying rubble means more destruction than just what's in his path!"

Pro-Hero 6:" We need to evacuate the areas within a five-kilometer radius around his route!"

Pro-Hero 7:"If we kep heading in his direction....we'll encounter the monster in about eight minutes."

Pro-Hero 8:"We're already looking at unprecedented damage!"

However Giganto Machia kept going forward even after the attempts of the Pro-Heroes to slowing him down atleast, as Giganto Machia was charging he ended up making some building collapse as barely few civilians could've make it out.

Pro-Hero 9:" This is our failing!!!"

Pro-Hero 10:"These good people just ahppen to be in the way!! We must save their lives even at the cost of our own! Why should they suffer for our mistakes?!?"

The Villains were now looking down at the Heroes from the top of Giganto Machia's back with smirks on their faces.

Talia:"Heroes incoming!!" she yelled as she used amplified senses.

Compress:"A Quirk of High developed senses? How handy."

Talia:"'Handy' you say, betraying your shameful lack of sophistication. Hmmm, Not quite the Hero army we met at the base, but still a good number. Our being here is mostly due to luck and happenstance. We must keep aware of approaching enemy if we hope to. Hmmm, I see a purple and red trail moving at incredible speed."

Toga eyes twitched.

Talia:"Speak of the little imp. It's the girl with the red hair, green eyes, purple outfit."

Toga's eyes widen.


Compress:"W-Woah, so agressive? You're making this old man almost having an heart attack."

Toga:"QUICK!!!!" she yelled sounding like an happy child who's about to receive the biggest prize.

Compress:"O-Okay.." he said before giving Toga her equipment.

Toga:"There we are..." she said she then was about to ran away, until Talia tapped her shoulder.

Talia:"Not so fast, deadly child! Do you actually think, you can defeat a 'Hero' of that genre? And jumping from an height like this, it's for foolish people."

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