Chapter 84

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Yo Shindo, 3rd year student of the Hero-Course of Ketsubutsu Academy and his girlfriend Nakageme Tatami were now hiding behind a destroyed car as chaos was happening in the city.

Shindo:"The escapee appeared here in this district and promptly, a designated area for evacuation was established...but there are still some citiziens out there who were unaccounted for! Let's get them to safety fast!"

Tatami:"I heard that the folks still out there are disobeying orders because of Heroes like us."

The two then run out their hiding spot and start running far away into the city.

Shindo:"As long as we practice Miss. Joke signature smile, we can get them to join us!!!" he said with a bright smile and raise a thumb up as his girlfriend Tatami raised an eyebrow.


Shindo:"Anyways, onwards with speed we go!!! The reporter said that they're all huddled ina taguchi building."he then start running even faster as Tatami was trying to catch up with him.

Tatami:"Hey, wait up!!! Shindo!!"







Shindo and Tatami were now inside of the isolated Taguchi building as they made their way towards the civilians, who raise an eyebrow as soon as they saw the two couple.

Civilian:"They sent kids this time?"

Civilian 2:"It's pointless. Go home."

Shindo:"It's too dangerous here. You won't last long if you don't move, please evacuate to the designated shelter!" he said with a bright smile on his face.

Civilian 3:"The designed shelter? So we can come fish in the barrel for any attacking villains you heroes fail to protect us from again?" he asked.

Civilian 4:"We've succeded in taking out scum who tried to loot us. We're more competent than you think."

Civilian 5:"This is our hometown we'll be the protectors of it!"

Civilian 6:"We can let some outsider swoop in only to fail again at our expense."

Shindo:"I believe in your abilitites when it comes to taking on looters who are only there to steal, but escaped Tartarus Prisoners...and theHigh End Nomus....they're a different story. We followed the report here after one of the escapees were sighted these parts....We're only conerned for your safety. What'll happen if you encounter who's motivated by violence and blooshed alone."

Civilian 7:"You mean the crazy brat that was in TV and made the moon explode, heh. Like we said we trust in our abilities more than we trust the likes of you. Are you 'Heroes' that pompous to think you can just bark orders a us while we groovel at your feet?"

Shidno:"I'm only pompous inb my knowledge that I can fight better, I will protect you and also, please don't talk about my little cousin like that." he said with a bright smile on his face.

Civilian 8:"The same psycho kid that brought us into this mess in the first place. Our minds are made up scram, kid. Go out and play at being a so called 'Hero' somewhere else."







Shindo and Tatami were now hiding in the corner of a building as the look around for a good moment to run to the other side.

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