Chapter 140

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Ultimate Izuku was now seen sitting on a throne made from Existence itself relaxing after all the work he had to do and he will pass on the next phase very soon, since he already destrohed the Multiverse and every single life in it.










Meanwhile in the Dark Dimension Izumi had a shock expression on her face as she couldn't sense no more life signature as the rest of the lucky survivors were looking at her in confusion.

Izumi:( I-It can't be he..... destroyed 'The Everything'.) she thought in her head referring to the Multiverse.















Meanwhile with Ryand'r he was now seen laying in what seemed to be the inside of a vault as he had a shock expression on his face.

Ryand'r:( Huh? This is bad!! What happened? Am I in the Divine Realm? What am I doing here? I was fighting against the God Cyttorak, until all I saw next was nothing but darkness....... Where's that strange woman? Is she okay? How long was I out for? I can't-) his thoughts were then interruopted when everything around him crystalized making him confuse as a figure appeared through the crystalized area and it was the strange woman that was following Ryand'r through his mission to rescue Y/n.

Ryand'r:" You are the mysterious lady? Are you okay? Do you know where we are now?" he asked to the mysterious woman.

???:" We have to find the other....." she said as she grabbed Ryand'r hand as a random door spawned out the nowhere in the crystalized area as the unknown woman then grabbed the handle of the door and open it leading to a fully white area...... No, it was a 'White Room'.

Ryand'r was in confusion as he looked around the White Room which appeared infinite.

The unknown woman then touched her chest as a death glare appeared on her face.

???:" Izuku................ I'll never forgive you......... I hate you....... You don't derseve any bit of kindness I gave you....." she said as Ryand'r was confused by the amount of hatred this woman had for Izuku, she was talking as if she knew him for a long time.

But there was something else that Ryand'r couldn't deny, there was something about this woman that felt too familiar to her, the way she held his hand was very familiar to how his sister Y/n held his hand when he was an infant.

Not only that, this woman resemble Y/n in appearence but much older. Like it was strange for Ryand'r, it was like looking at an older version of his older sister, but maybe it's his mind doing tricks to him but still......

 Like it was strange for Ryand'r, it was like looking at an older version of his older sister, but maybe it's his mind doing tricks to him but still

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