Chapter 77

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In the Supreme Maximum Security anti-Quirk prison, known as Tartarus, located 5 km off the cost of the mainland, this prison has been built to house vast amounts of dangerous and diverse Quirk-Users. It may deemed a severe threat toward the safety of the nation are locked up and monitored closely, regardless of whether their sentence has been deiced on yet. The Facility is divided nto 6 levels, where the potential threat level of criminals are deemed 'higher' the further undergound you go. It's a prison where, once you enter, there is no chance of leaving. It is considered the darkets corner of Quirk Society.








Guard:"What is going on out there Briareus? Gyges?" he asked from his comunicator because of the sudden shootings that were heard outside.

Gyges:"This is Gyges....announce a code red security lock down..Briareus my brother is dead!!! Call a code red instant!!!!!!"

But all of the sudden Gyges lost contact with the Guard as the Guard eyes widen.

Guard:"What the hell is going on, don there!!" he said as he grabbed his rifle and wanted to stepped out side, until a second guard appeared and block his path.

Guard 2:"We gotta stay here!!! Apparently that sky scraper will arrive here tomorrow morning."

Guard:"Giganto Machia....He's the pickled plum face's subordinate, huh? Can't we just kill him?"

Guard 2:"He is too big to kill, fire arms won't work. And since he's human the use of missile is deemed unethical."

Guard:"I don't consider that guy human. He's just a disaster waiting to happen. A beast. The Same goes for all of these scum rotting in here."

Guard 2:"Cut it out, What you're saying will eb left on record. The Hearts and mind party is bound to be dissolved but that doesn't mean its off shoots won't hesitate to fight back. Even if we don't think it's a human rights violation, they'll have our heads on pikes over it. These days you have no idea where information gets leaked from."

Guard:"But I stand my truth, these 'people' are just beasts in human clothing. Mingled among these husks wo lost themselves due to their Quirks. They are simply dreadful beings."

Then all of the sudden the alarm goes off, since an intrudor has been detected, closing any and all passageways on each floor. All wokers are to enforce strict measures to maintain order. 

Intercome:"Security Lockdown measure Code Red. Intruder Detected Code Red. Close any and all passageways on each floor. All workers are to enforce strict measures to maintain order. Intruders detected from under the bridge. Coast Guard engaging. The Target is-" then all of the sudden the intercom stopped speaking.






Shigaraki Tomura was now flying on top of an High End Nomu, with the ability to fly as he was reaching the prison.

Shigaraki:"I....told you.....This body.....master........Have you awoken? Continue to rest. You're regeneration has slowed. You must conserve energy to heal. You're...telling me to rest?....Then What am I doing here?....I mean that you should rest after the dead here is done.......Give me back my body......Wasn't it you who wished for more power?!? You spat at the hand of the society who refused to help you. You sought out the pwer order to enact that hatred on the world. This here is the fruit of your labor, the results brought about, by your strong will! I don't want to be used as just a chess piece.......Do not be mistaken Tomura! You are not a mere pawn....You're the most important of them all.....My future King!!!!!"

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