Chapter 73

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Meanwhile in Fujitani hospital hospital, where Rei Todoroki was kept in she was now watching the TV and the battle that was happening between the Heroes and the Villains as the doctors where trying to reach for her room.

Doctor:" Kill the TV in room 315!! Hurry!!! SHe's making so much progress toward her release, but now this?!?!?"

Doctor 2:"Talk about terrible timing!!!!!!" he said.




As Rei was watching all fo this with her eyes widen, seeeing so much death infront of her eyes causing her mental state to start worsening.

Reporter:"Cannot....Get....any........hard to make out.....from this distance.....what's this....? Our signal......" then all of the sudden they lost signal as Rei tilt her head, before the singal return this tiem showing Dabi shirtless sitting on a chair in the darkness as the only light that was coming was from the outside of the room.




Meanwhile with the Heroes, Izuku was still holding the torso and legs of the ripped of Shigaraki as Giganto Machia was angered by this as he went to reach for Izuku Yagi.

Giganto Machia:"Master!!!!!"he yelled agrily.

Izuku:(Good timing Giganto Machia. After I beated Shigaraki Tomura and ripped him in half, he must have sensed that his life force was getting weaker and weaker, which must have caught his attention the most. Having being stripped of his form, Shigaraki is now in a weaker state compared to how powerful he was before. Having a Quirk called Rivet Stab activate from his spinal cord with auto tracking reduces the burned places on his mind and body....such measures are necessary...given this body's wretched state. Now all that Giganto Machia has to do is ordered to retreat.)

Izumi then flew right at Giganto Machia in her Binary form.

Izumi:(There's no way we can handle fighting this giant all by ourselves. I'd better slow down Giganto Machia since it seemed like he's getting kinda tired, now.)

Shigaraki(So strong.....powerful, Izuku Yagi....he's refusing to give my broken body the slightest retrieve...)

Nejire:"OUTPUT LEVREL 100!!!!"

Shoto:"Flash Fire Fist!!!!"

Izumi:"Sunbolts!!!! Jet kindling!!!!" then three of them combine their supermoves managing to damage Giganto Machia and slowing him down.

Giganto Machia then roared as he swong his fist in the air, cauising a powerful shockwave sending the three of them flying sending pieces of ice that Shot created to almost hit the Heroes if it wasn't for Tenya who ran at superspeed and cathc all fo the others surving Heroes.

Izuku then threw Shigaraki ripped off body at Giganto Machia who manage to catch him

Giganto Machia then start panting as he was holding Shigaraki ripped off body in his hands.

Giganto Machia:"Master!!! I've come!! Your will is my command, so give me an order!!!"

Spinner eyes widen once he saw what happened to Shigaraki.

Spinner:"Damn, Shigaraki!!!! What the hell that boy did to you?!?"

Izumi then manage to catch Shoto, in the air.

Izumi:"Are you okay?! Shoto?!?"

Izuku then closed his eyes.

Izuku(Sorry, Aizawa-sensei! It's my fault that you are death, than most of you are and these bastards are standing up. But, I will take them all down....Giganto Machia's abilities are impressive, but nothing really clean shot...only one clean shot.....and the giant is going down....I have to do it!!! After all, I want to be one of the greatest Heroes in the world, right?!?)

Dabi then start coming out his hiding spot with a smirk on his face.

Dabi:"Hey, there you are!!! You all look like ants from way up here!!!! Oh, do I spy Shoto too?!?! That's perfect!!!" he said as he saw Izumi flew down with Shotot on her arms.

Shoto then tilt his head as he was not aware of who this VIllain was, except when him and the others have seen him in the training camp, the day where it all started."

Shoto:"You're Dabi!!!!! A member of the Vanguard Action Squad!!!"

Izumi:"Wait, Dabi?!?"

Dabi then looked at Shoto looking almost offended.

Dabi:" that any way to address me?" eh said with sarcasm before pouring something in his hair causing his hair color to change.

Dabi:"I have a great name. Call me Toya....Toya Todoroki."

Izumi and Shoto eyes widen as Dabi just rolled his eyesin annoyence

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Izumi and Shoto eyes widen as Dabi just rolled his eyesin annoyence.

Dabi:"You're that dumbstruck? Really..? I know my face isn't exactly what is was, but I was sure my own family would've figured out by now, well except Shion she already kinda was aware of who I was, atleast someone in the family that a particulary like."

Izumi:"Y-You're older brother.....T-Toya? That's Toya Todoroki?!?"






Back at the hospital, Rei Todoroki's eyes widden as Dabi proceed to introduce himself.

Dabi:" I am Toya Todoroki. The eldest son of Endevour. To date, I've killed over 30 innocents people in cold blood and today I'd like everyone out there to know exactly what drove me to such despicable acts. Once upon a time, Endevour yearned for nothing but power. But, when he found himself unable to surpass All might, he despaired. To contoct even stronger Quikrs, my father forced the woman who would become my mother to marry him. That's when I was created by him, in pursuit of his selfish, egostical dreams. But Alas, I was a failed creation. It didn't take long for him to reject me. I was tossed aside and forgotten. But I never forgot a thing. And I had plenty of reason to keep watching you. I'm not saying that everyone has to be pure and selfless. Just you. These murderous flames of mine are Endevour's flames. And guess what?!? Right now, my prerecorded life story is broadcasting nation wide and on then net!!! Man, I'm having a blast!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! S-Sorry, Sorry everyone, Where was I?! How could I make you hurt?!? How to best stomp all over your life?!? I've been pondering all this since that day!!! I couldn't figured out, why I even existed and every day.... I'd crawl to Natsu, crying my eyes out, not that you ever knew, right?!? When you finnally achieved success with your little puppets Shoto and Shion....I thought killing them might do the trik!! But then, who would've guesses. You got bumped up to number 2!! Suddenly, I was rooting for your happiness. My blood has never been so excited, once I heard that you bite the dust against Shigaraki, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IF IT ISN'T A JOYFUL DAY!!!!! You were finally at the top!! It's all you ever wanted!!! But it must have weighed on you, right?!? Or was all the praise and admiration like a chicken soup, for your soul?!? When at long last, you could stare your kids in the eye....did you finally start to feel the warm and fuzzy bonds of family?!?! WHen SHion started losing ehr mind too?!? You mustv've thought 'as long as I face the consequences, I can be better'!!! I can't tell you're at a loss for words, so here's your answer my dear little brother, Shoto!!! CONSEQUENCES CAN F*CK YOU UP!!!! GET IT YET?!?! YOU TOOK WHAT WAS MINE YOU LITTLE SH*T!!!!! SO, LET'S FIGHT YOU AND ME SHOTO TODOROKI!!!! LET'S FIGHT HERE IN HELLL, BROTHER!!!!"






To be continued...

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