Chapter 76

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The fact that the sedative took effect here and now is mere coincidence!! Little by little many of us.....wore down the giant down, until he was weak enough for the drug to take hold. Even the thinnest threads...can come together and braid a mighty rope. But had even a single thread frayed and come loose, all would have been lost. That, I do believe.





Miruko, Grant Torino, Hawks and many other Heroes were now been cured at the hospital.

Mount Lady was now laying on the floor after the fight against Giganto Machia, with Midnight on the other side of the forest laying on the floor tired and injured as she manage even though her injuries to defeat the low rank Villains with many other luckly surving Pro-Heroes being rescued by the Class 1A and Class 1B.





Back in the main battle field, Giganto Machia was now laying on the floor unconsciouss as the battle was still going with the Heroes having the upper hand against the Villains, Y/n then noticed that the High End Nomus were now bonding becoming one bigger, scarier and stronger so that they'll try to take on most of the Heroes, However Mirio jump right at the High End Nomu fusion and punch itstraight in its face, knocking it far away with a single punch.

The High End Nomu fusion then glared at Mirio, before being blasted in his brain and blew into dust by Y/n's starbolts.

Mirio:"No wonder the Heroes over there are having rough time!!! The moves these things make are simple, but their speed and thoughness are off the charts!!!!"

Y/n then flew straight at Mirio grabbed him and trew him directly at an High End Nomu fused.

Mirio:"Each one's gotta be just as strong as the normal Nomus that we used to face!!!" he yelled before landing a kick and blowing the brains out of the High End Nomu fused.

Y/n then turn to Bakugou who was struggling against the High End Nomus.

Y/n:"Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!!! You must retreat!!! You're not in the state to take a hit from these things!!! You don't wanna get chased after by these guys!!!" she yelled before shooting a starbolt hitting the brain of an High End Nomu who was about to capture Bakugou.

Bakugou then manage to blast the other High End Nomu in the face and start using his explosion to avoid the attacks of the High End Nomus.

Bakugou:(Crap!! There isn't even a snappy comeback, because she's right!!! Anyhow....I just gotta keep dodging so that Best Jeanist is off their radar!!! At last I can redirect the incomig attacks by using my power in a more defensive way)

Meanwhile Mr. COmpress was trying to free himself from Best Jeanist fibers.

Compress:(This tidy tie-up job prevents me from touching the cables and without physical touch, I cannot activate my Compress Quirk. Such dire straits and all I can do is tickle my own behind? The boss fares no better!! You summoned us together did you, not?!? Told us to run together, right? What are we supposed to think when even your act is cut short? This  amounted to a trap!! 'You still haven't destroyed a damn thing yet!' It's just as our associate Spinner says. Dabi.....Young Himiko Toga....and I have yet to achieve our dreams.)

Best Jeanist:"Black out Bind!!!" he yelled before making the fibers even tigher as both Compress and Spinner were getting choked and losing their consciousness.

Compress:"S-Spinner.......(Does our show end here...?)"

Spinner:"I-I....L-Loved t-the I-Injustice L-League."

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