Chapter 132

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With Mar'i and Y/n from Universe 60, it seemed that Y/n from Universe 60 was using her crystal ball to see the events that have happened to her younger counterpart of the main stream Universe, until her capture as Mar'i was looking at those events in awe as she felt so miserable compared to either her mother or father.

Mar'i:( I'll never be able to reach a level like that.....) she thought in her head.

Y/n from the Universe 60 the made the crystal ball disappear as she believed that that's all she needed to see.

Mar'i then got into the formation as she prepared herself to fight before Y/n from Universe 60 then unleashed a light hearted chuckle as she stated that for now, fighting her is no needed since she needed to level up.

This caused Mar'i to get confused, before Y/n from the Universe 60 goes to offer her explanation.

Y/n [ Universe 60]:" The goal of the first part of this training is to reach the maximum level for you. The secret to master that type of power is to power up while keeping energy within the body, to prevent it from leaking out. This is the best way to achieve your fullest potential.  There will be three steps. The first consists of you to become one within your inner self. To put it more simply, you'll have to unleash all your power in there...." she said as she pointed out at her right causing an interdimensional door to appear out the nowhere.

Y/n [ Universe 60]:" You'll have to face your weaknesses, emotions and inner demons...... To succeed, rigor, focus and explosiveness will all be needed. Though the hardest part will be the perfect synchronisation. Required for the chamber to explode." she said calmly as Mar'i then turned serious and nodded.

Mar'i then walked up towards the door and opened revealing another dimension in which she would've trained.

Mar'i then walked up towards the door and opened revealing another dimension in which she would've trained

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But with who you may ask? Well an adaptoid, the same that Y/n previously used for training.









Meanwhile back on Tamaran Melissa announces that the training should begin now and addressing a specific group of warriors, she informs they are the fifth squad and to remember it well. 

Melissa:" You already know the three Commanders standing beside me." she said in a serious tone.

Commander, formerly Prince, Zerep was known to for his strength and being one fo the most powerful warriors in planet Tamaran.

Commander, formerly Prince, Zerep was known to for his strength and being one fo the most powerful warriors in planet Tamaran

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