Chapter 118

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A young Izuku was now seen playing at a park with Bakugou, Shoto, Izumi and Shion.

Katsuki:" Let's play heroes." he said with a smile on his face as Izumi turned to Izuku, who was sitting on a bench reading a comic about Heroes.

Izumi:" You want to play Heroes Izuku? Come on Let's play!!!!" she said with a bright smile on her face as Izuku looked up from his comic with wide eyes full of hope.

Izuku:" Huh? O-Okay......." he said with a bright smile on his face.

Katsuki was now on top of the park climbing frame with a smirk on his face.

Bakugou:" I'm the King Explosion Murder!!!! HERE I COME!!!!" he yelled as he used his explosion Quirk to boost his speed and went to land a kick on Shoto who was standing on the ground below him, waiting for Bakugou to come closer.

Shoto then create a short ice wall to block Bakugou's kick.

Izuku was in awe as he was shaking in fear.

Izuku:" T-That's dangerous........." he told to Bakugou as Izumi turned to Izuku and starred at him in confusion.

Izumi then pointed her index finger at Izuku as Izuku looked at her in confusion.

Izumi then spoke up.

Izumi:" Allright, then you're gonna be the Villain...." she said with a smile on her face as she went to use her Kinetic Force Quirk and tried to land a golden punch at Izuku.

Izuku eyes widen as he yelled in fear and duck over causing his twin sister to miss her hit and tripped on him.

Izumi then fell hard on the floor as everyone was in shock.

Shoto went to help Izumi get up as Bakugou then pushed Izuku on his left shoulder.

Bakugou:" Why did you dodge that you chump?!?!" he asked angrily to Izuku.

Izuku:" S-Sorry, I-Izumi...." the little boy apologized to his twin sister who had her left hand scrapped from the fall as she was whimpering and crying.

Shoto:" You're the Villain so act like it!!!!" he yelled at Izuku as he was in shock that a simple game turned everyone against him.

Izumi then looked at Izuku with sad and angry eyes before she spoke up.

Izumi:" Hold him down!!!" she yelled as Izuku eyes widen in shock and fear.







Huh? Is my life passing before my eyes? What does this symbolize?This is just rotten old memories........









In Middle School, things didn't get better as Izuku was now arguing against Izumi, Shoto, Bakugou and Shion as the students were looking at Izuku as if he was crazy.

Izumi was hiding behind Shoto and Bakugou as Shion stood aside afraid of intervene.

Izumi:" H-Huh? W-Why are you so mad about Izuku?" she asked while stuttering.

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