Chapter 108

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Y/n was now face to face with Vilgax as Vilgax pointed his left hand towards Y/n sent a huge red energy wave towards her.

Y/n just simply stood there and tanked the energy wave absorbing it capabilities.

After the smoke was gone, Y/n was still in her feet with no damage done to her as the blast was powerful enough to leave a trail-like crater on the ground.

Vilgax then trew himself at Y/n and trew a punch, Y/n repiled by doing the same as the clash of their punches sent shockwaves and sprayed massive rocks all over the planet.

The two opponents were now floating in the air as Vilgax was trowing a barrage of punches towards Y/n, who was avoiding them all with no effort.

Y/n then flew backwards as Vilgax grabbed his sword and went to swing at her, however Y/n did moved her body to the left avoiding the sword cut and punched Vilgax straight in the face.

Vilgax managed to tank the punch and used his sword to swing up in attempt to cut Y/n in half however Y/n seemingly disappeared, which confused Vilgax alot, before he felt a pain on his spine and he was sent flying away, realiszing that it was because Y/n striked him on the back.

Y/n then moved massively faster than light, grabbed Vilgax by his face and started spinning him around before trowing him straight against the ground making a massive crater.

Y/n then crossed her arms as she was waiting for Vilgax to come out, but nothing seemingly happened.

Then all of the sudden a massive red supernova bursted out of the massive crater and was sent towards Y/n direction.

Y/n then smile as she flew straight inside of it, causing the masive red supernova to start shrinking before completely being absorbed by Y/n.

Y/n:"Oh, joy!!" she said with a bright smile.

Vilgax then flew right towards her and punch her straight in the face, but it only caused Y/n's head to being pulled back.

Y/n then pulled her head forward as she used heat vision to blast Vilgax as her heat vision was so strong it looked like a massive energy wave.

Vilgax, however used both of his hands and pushed aside the attack as it ended up going into outer space.

Vilgax then started powering up as his power was making the entire planet tremble despite not being in his prime.

Vilgax now at fullpower moved so fast it appeared he left an after image of himself and punch Y/n square in the gut.

Y/n eyes widen as Vilgax took that opportunity to power up again blowing Y/n further away from him as she ended going straight against a building flying faster than the speed of light cutting throught the 25 buildings in the matter of seconds.

Half ot the 25 buildings collapse on the ground of the cities making an huge mess.

Y/n body then ended up crashing straight on the ground of the cities making a huge shockwave that sent alsmot everything around her flying into different directions.

Vilgax then flew down to where Y/n massive crater was and went to check up if she was already long gone.

Vilgax:"Now, I'm going to end this fight. But allow me to tell you a secret. The Omnitrix is considered a weapon of great destruction that even the Cosmic Entities in the Multiverse should fear and thankfully they are not aware of that creation." he said as he already had more plans that were far superior to just conquering the Universe or Multiverse.

An huge explosion then happened as Y/n stepped out of her crater with no injury in her body as a golden aura mixed with green was around her.

Y/n:" I also have a secret for you......... You can't never defeat me......... Not even when I'm focused." she said calmly.

My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz