Chapter 117

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David Shield was now inside of of his lab, monitoring from a glass the activity that was happening below him.

David:" That should do it. How does it feel, Melissa? Any problems in your body system." he asked his daughter.

Melissa was now standing on top of a pile of High Tech Androids who should be by what David stated High Planetary level.

Melissa eyes were glowing bright red and with a blank expression on her face.

Melissa:" No, thank you Papa. You worked a lot for the rest of 6 months, you should rest." she said calmly.

David:" That's because you want to be an Hero and I'm trying to help you reach that goal. Especially when a crisis threathens humanity, I can sacrifice some sleep. THanks to this I've had many new  ideas for improvement. The changes are simple but this training will make you stronger." he said with a smile on his face.

Melissa:" I'm the only inhuman left on this planet to protect.......... I won't back down......." she said calmly as her eyes turned even more brighter red.

David:" You've surpassed your limits and became more and more stronger as the time passed....You're powerful.... but be careful Melissa........... You should always ask for help in very dangerous situations that you can't handle on your own. Don't underastimate the strength of your opponent...... You never know what they'll come up with if you get too much overconfident ........ Don't charge in headless of consequences......." he warned his daughter about the incoming battle for the sake of planet Earth.

Melissa:" Nonetheless the night must have taxed your body. Come on, go rest....... we can take a break from training. I'll fufill my duty." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Dacid then sighed before he smiled.

David:" You're right, honey. Let's take a break....." he said with a tired smile on his face as he went to deactivate the training room.

Melissa smile then dropped as she had a serious look on her face.

Melissa:( I won't be reckless..........) she thought in her head with a serious look on her face.











Meanwhile back in Japan, the people were now reading the news about the recents attakcs from the interdimensional creatures as they were in shock and horror.

Civilian:" What? There are more incoming?!?" he said in shock.

Civilian 2:" They made a declaration to the Hero Public Safety Commission, one of their subordinates ruined the meeting and declared suffering to everyone that was living on Earth....... They're planning to turn us into them......" he said in absolute shock by what he was reading on the newspaper.

Civilian 3:" What have we done to deserve this?!?" she asked in shock.

Civilian 4:" This Society........ That's the problem it wouldn't have happened if the society was better............" he said with a serious expression on his face.

Civilian 5:" The Heroes were slow to mobilize yesterday......... I wish they'd get their act together......." he said with a worried tone.

Civlian 6:" Their gonna to battle it out for the sake of the Earth at this point." she said with a worried tone.

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