Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4

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In the garden a beautiful mansion a young Rody Soul was now seen playing with his younger brother Roro and other kids, while his little sister Lala was seen being carried on his back.

Little Rody:" Okay, here I go!!!" he said while holding the toy of an airplane and running as the other kids followed him.

Little Roro:"  Me, too Rody!!!" he said happily as Rody then handed Roro the airplane and then picked him up.

Roro then laughed happily as he lifted up the airplane in the air with a joyful smile, while Rody was struggling.

The infant Lala then started giggling happily.

???:" Woah, Rody!" he said in surprise as Rody turned to the front door of the mansion as he saw it was his father causing the little boy to smile happily.

He was a tall, adult man with short dark brown hair and gray eyes. He was seen wearing a white buttoned-up shirt underneath a dull blue overcoat.

 He was seen wearing a white buttoned-up shirt underneath a dull blue overcoat

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- Eddie Soul -

Rody:" Dad, welcome back!!!" he said with a bright smile as Eddie smiled at his son.





My dad was a famous engineer who resided in Otheon  and he would go on to marry and have three children: me, Roro and Lala. Mom died shortly after Lala's birth and due to being absent a lot of the time because of his job, I would look after my younger siblings. Regardless, dad was a loving father who was there to provide and care for his children. 

One day, dad gave me a puzzle to solve. At first I had some difficulty, so dad gave me a small hand and did a bit of it for me, leading me to soon figure it out. Inside of the puzzle box was a necklace and dad revealed that it was a present for me to thank me for looking after Roro and Lala.

Those were wonderful times for us, that was until that day...... I wish we didn't go outside of our house to play too much. I didn't know what it was in the dark sky, but whatever it was took away my father.

We were confused and scarred, without our father we didn't know what to do. With no parents and no choice, the three of us were forced to move to the Shanty Town of Otheon and live in a dilapidated caravan, while I had to resort to illegal small jobs to provide for me and my siblings.









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